We describe below the most basic formulae of the Doppler effect in a (transmission) medium in the classical limit: i.e., when relativistic effects are negligible. Hereafter, for brevity, we just say the classical Doppler effect instead of "the Doppler effect in a medium ... "
f' = f(1 - v/v_ph) or f = f'/(1 - v/v_ph) ,where v is the velocity relative to the medium of an observer moving in the direction of wave propagation, v is negative if the observer is actually moving opposite to the direction of wave propagation, f ' is the frequency observed by the moving observer, f is the frequency observed by an observer at rest in the medium and v_ph is the (medium) phase velocity (i.e., the velocity of wave propagation relative to the medium).
Note f ' < f for a redshift and f ' > f for a blueshift.
From the most basic formula, all other formulae for observer motion in the direction of wave propagation can be derived.
λ_source = v_ph/f_source .When the source is moving relative to the medium at velocity v_source, all obsersers on the wave propagation direction no no matter what their velocity observe
λ = λ_source(1-v_source/v_ph) ,where v_source is taken as positive/negative when the observer is ahead/back of the source.
The basie reason for the invariance of wavelength λ is that in the classical limit length is an invariant quantity.