My guess is we are sunset looking west.
The diagram also makes it clear that if we are at sunset, we are in the Northern Hemisphere.
Note that on the equator the maximum angle is the Earth's axial tilt of 23.4° which happens on the solstices. The minimum angle is zero on the equinoxes.
Yours truly has seen Venus as the Morning Star twice. Once 1994 when yours truly tramped across the Englischer Garten in Munich at 6:00 am or so. What was yours truly doing? Maybe heading to the U-bahn to catch a plane. The second time was 2022 was 2022 Jun24---Jun26 when historical planets (i.e., Mercury ☿, Venus ♀, Mars ♂, Jupiter ♃, Saturn ♄) and the waning crescent moon could be seen at ∼ 4:00--5:00 am strung out along the ecliptic.