Caption: The solar structure
(i.e., the structure of the Sun)
shown in two
cutaway diagrams.
Image 1 Caption: Features:
- Solar core:
This is where
hydrogen burning
occurs primarily by the
Proton-proton chain (PP chain).
- Radiative zone:
This includes the solar core
and is where energy
is transported by primarily by
radiative transfer.
- Solar photosphere:
This is where
electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
primarily escapes from the Sun.
It is the 1st main region of the Sun's atmosphere.
- Solar temperature minimum:
Just above the solar photosphere
and just in the chromosphere,
the solar
temperature reaches
a minimum of ∼ 4100 K.
Both inward and outward from this point, the temperature
- Chromosphere:
It is the 2nd main region of the Sun's atmosphere.
- Solar transition region:
the transition region going outward between
and corona.
- Corona:
It is the 3rd main region of the Sun's atmosphere.
- Solar wind: The 4th main region of
the Sun's atmosphere in a sense.
The solar wind extends to
the heliopause
at ∼ 120 AU
where the interstellar medium (ISM) begins.
- Smaller scale sturctures:
(with sunspot umbra
and sunspot penumbra).
- The diagram
is a cartoon, but the outside part is probably close to a real
in false-color.
- I think the outer part represents an image in
the extreme ultraviolet.
For comparison, see
the extreme ultraviolet,
Sun image
The Sun by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Image 2 Caption: Features:
- A diagram of a
solar type star
or G2 V star.
- As one can see stars have no sharply defined
There is just a gradual transition from dense
regions to relatively
transparent outer region that extents into
stellar wind in all cases it seems???.
- The main layer of transition from opaque to transparent is the
stellar photosphere
which is what one usually means when one says the surface of a
- For a longer discussion of this image and the
stellar photosphere,
see file star_g2_v.html.
- Credit/Permission: ©
2012 /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Sun poster.svg.
Project leader: Dr. Jim Lochner; Curator: Meredith Gibb; Responsible NASA Official:Phil Newman,
2006 /
Public domain.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Sun parts big.jpg.
Local file: local link: sun_structure_cutaway.html.
File: Sun file: