Caption: Click on the Alien to see a log-log plot of initial mass function (IMF) estimated by various authors.
For example, the Scalo86 IMF is ∼ 1 for about 0.5 dex near its peak. Thus, this region integrates to ∼ 1*0.5 = 0.5 of all stellar mass described by the Scalo86 IMF.
Thus, the Salpeter IMF decreases by a factor 10**(-0.35) = 0.446683 ... per dex.
But we don't know what it is yet. We just have various estimates as shown in the figure.
The more massive the star, the shorter its lifetime as a nuclear burning object. This effect will tend to empty the higher-mass range of actual mass distributions relative to the IMF.
However, multiple generations of stars overlap and this will tend to fill in the upper mass range, but nevertheless leave lower-mass range of actual mass distributions overpopulated relative to the IMF.
Still the IMF should often be a good first approximation to the actual mass distribution in any region of the observable universe.
The exception is the Salpeter IMF which is an early analytic fit to the data and is NOT expected to be valid as one goes to very-low-mass stars.
Objects below this mass limit are brown dwarfs which never have ordinary hydrogen burning and are never on the main sequence. For some time in their history, brown dwarfs have deuterium burning and those above about 65 Jupiter masses have lithium burning (see Wikipedia: Brown dwarfs).
Brown dwarfs may be about as numerous as stars although their total mass may be a lot less. There is still much to be learnt about brown dwarfs. They are hard to find and study because they are small, dim astronomical objects.