Caption: "This molecular cloud (cloud of gas and thick interstellar dust) is being evaporated. Likely, within a few million years, the intense light from nearby bright stars will have boiled it away completely. The "This molecular cloud has broken off of part of the Carina Nebula, a star forming region about 8000 light-years (ly) away. Newly formed stars are visible nearby, their images reddened by blue light being preferentially scattered by the pervasive interstellar dust. This image spans ∼ 2 light-years and was taken by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in 1999." (Somewhat edited.)
The colors are probably sort of true color. It's hard to tell with astro images since the image makers can make the colors anything they like. If true color, it may be that the colors are enhanced relative to what the human eye would see in order to bring out the features.
This rather disconcerting little molecular cloud is real---I kid you NOT---as Humphrey Bogart (1899--1957) would say---when being Captain Queeg.
Maybe the universe is telling us what it thinks of us.
Credit/Permission: NASA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), N. Walborn (STScI) & R. Barba (La Plata Obs.)