Caption: Galileo Galilei (1564--1642) in 1624. A detail from a portrait in crayon by Ottavio Leoni (1578--1630), current location: Biblioteca Marucelliana, Florence, Italy.
"Galileo, age 60, clad in his doctoral robes. His thick beard and eyebrows give him a brooding look, emphasizing his pensive expression." (Slightly edited from Museo Galileo.)
Galileo is usually cited as the most representative figure of the Scientific Revolution (fiducial era c.1543--c.1687).
Credit/Permission: Ottavio Leoni (1578--1630),
(uploaded to
by User:Pseudomoi,
2005) /
Public domain.
Image link: Wikipedia:
Local file: local link: galileo_ottavio_leoni.html.
File: Galileo file: