
  1. the Andromeda Galaxy because of it's low surface brightness never looks like this in visual astronomy, except when using a 2-meter plus telescope or a device to integrate the radiant flux as one observes. The Andromeda Galaxy just looks like a nebula in usual visual astronomy.

  2. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Moon are never juxtaposed like this since Andromeda Galaxy is NOT sufficiently near the ecliptic: it's at declination (Dec or δ) +41°42'44.3''.

  3. Recall the Moon's angular diameter is about 0.5° and the longest dimension of the Andromeda Galaxy is about 3°.

  4. The Andromeda Galaxy at 778(17) kpc is the closest spiral: its de Vaucouleurs type is SA(s)b.

  5. Remarkably the Andromeda Galaxy was missed by Ptolemy (c. 90--c. 168 CE) as a cloudy star in his catalog of 1022 stars in 48 constellations. He labeled 5 stars as cloudy or as nebulae (in the historical sense) plus one other nebula (in the historical sense) NOT associated with a star (see Nebula: Observational history; No-113,402).

  6. The Andromeda Galaxy was recorded by al-Sufi (903--986) in his Book of the Fixed Stars (circa 964) (No-188,402), but Tycho Brahe (1546--1601) missed it his star catalog (No-299,308,402). Simon Marius (1573--1624) observed it telescopically in 1612 and finally put it permanently on historical record (No-402).