Galaxy Colors

To explicate
galaxy colors:
  1. We see the disk galaxy age from left to right changing from blue to red starting from the inside and changing from being a star forming disk galaxy (usually a spiral galaxy) to becoming a quenched galaxy (usually an elliptical galaxy).

  2. Note the colors in Image 1 (and in Image 3 below) are conventional.

    To explicate: blue galaxies emit more blue light (fiducial band 0.450--0.495 μm) than red galaxies---and red galaxies emit more red light (fiducial range 0.625--0.740 μm) than blue galaxies.

    green valley galaxies are just between blue galaxies and red galaxies in emission.

    All of these types just look they emit white light??? in "absolute" true color---which is just what psychophysical response of the unshielded human eye would be seeing them while the unshielded human eye was off in outer space.

    For further explication of galaxy colors, see file galaxy_colors.html.


  3. Conventional Galaxy Colors:

    1. blue galaxies:

        Galaxies shine by primarily by starlight, and so their overall spectra are sort of an average stellar spectra which means their spectra are very roughly an average of blackbody spectra with a maximum of emission at some wavelength.

        Thus, the short explication of blue galaxies is that their maximum of emission is blueward of that of red galaxies---whose maximum of emission is redward of that of blue galaxies.

        But both blue galaxies and red galaxies look more or less like they emit white light??? in "absolute" true color---which is just what psychophysical response of the unshielded human eye would be seeing them while the unshielded human eye was off in outer space.

        But that "absolute" true color is just a special case of our ordinary psychophysical response. It is NOT especially meaningful.

        The makers of astronomical images often try to make the coloration of galaxies truish, but meaningful.

        To further explicate blue galaxies:

        Galaxies with star formation do have strong blue light (fiducial band 0.450--0.495 μm) emission near star formation regions because of hot young blue stars (i.e., OB stars) that are born in star formation regions and the largest and brightest of which (i.e., those of ∼> 8 M_☉) die within ∼< 30 Myr as supernovae very near to the star formation regions in which they were born.

        In images of galaxies with enhanced blue light (fiducial band 0.450--0.495 μm) over "absolute" true color, galaxies with star formation regions do look blue near said star formation regions. Such galaxies are are blue galaxies in the sense described above.

        Such blue-light-enhanced images usually show beautiful complex coloration with blue light (fiducial range 0.450--0.495 μm), red light (fiducial range 0.625--0.740 μm), and brown light (mixed wavelength bands).

        Spiral galaxies and irregular galaxies are usually blue galaxies and are often shown blue-light-enhanced images. See, for example, the spiral galaxies in Image 2 below.

    2. red galaxies:

        To inverse what was said of blue galaxies, the short explication of red galaxies is that their maximum of emission is redward of that of blue galaxies---whose maximum of emission is blueward of that of red galaxies.

        To further explicate red galaxies:

        Red galaxies do NOT look red (note red light (fiducial range 0.625--0.740 μm)) in "absolute" true color nor in most images. In both, they usually look white-yellow.

        However, their overall spectra do usally rise to the red end of the visible band (fiducial range 0.4--0.7 μm) and peak in the infrared band (fiducial range 0.7 μm -- 0.1 cm)???. However, our psychophysical response is white-yellow. So they are redder than blue galaxies which do NOT have such a rise or as much of a rise.

        It is maybe true that galaxies at high cosmological redshift z look red in true color if NOT deredshifted. But no one seems to spit out this factoid.

    3. green galaxies:
      1. Are there green galaxies in any sense?

      2. A galaxy spectrum can possibly reach a maximum in green light (fiducial range 0.495--0.570 μm, but that spectrum will be very roughly an approximate blackbody spectrum and the psychophysical response of the human eye to the mixture of colors in blackbody spectra is never green. green valley galaxies referenced in the galaxy color-magnitude diagram in Image 3 below? They are just called "green" because they lie between the blue cloud galaxies (which are "blue" in the sense of above explication) and the red sequence galaxies (which are "red" in the sense of above explication). In true color, the green valley galaxies look intermediate between the blue cloud galaxies and the red sequence galaxies. They do NOT look green in true color or in ordinary enhanced truish color.

        There are, however, relatively rare green pea galaxies which do look green in enhanced truish color if their actual emission green light (fiducial range 0.495--0.570 μm is enhanced enough (see Wikipedia: Pea galaxies: Description; SDSS photometry passband filters; Robert Lee, 2023, "Rare 'green pea' galaxy may be the most 'chemically primitive' galaxy ever discovered").

    Local file: local link: galaxy_colors.html.
    File: Galaxies file: galaxy_colors.html.