Caption: Images illustrating electromagnetic waves.
The ray could be part of a continuum of rays making a beam of finite geometrical cross section such as a plane wave. See Image 3 below for an illustration of a plane wave.
In fact, for definiteness, let's speak of the beam in the animation as a plane wave.
The oscillations being perpendicular to the propagation direction makes EMR a transverse wave phenomenon like waves on a string.
In fact, a time-varying electric field creates a time-varying magnetic field and vice versa---they create each other to paraphrase Jack Nicholson (1937--).
And they must do so for EMR to be self-propagating.
Note for magnetic fields
either the symbol E or symbol H may be used.
The two symbols do NOT mean quite the same thing, but our purposes they do.
This means that the
electric field
and magnetic field are confined
to two perpendicular
Far from the point source,
a small part of a wavefront
will approximate a
plane wave.