Caption: A graph of the Stefan-Boltzmann law radiant flux (AKA flux) F (black line called j in the figure) and the frequency-integrated Wien's approximation flux F (blue line). The vertical axis is in watts/meter**2.
The Stefan-Boltzmann law is
We can see that flux F increasing as the 4th power of temperature---a very strong increase with temperature.
The frequency-integrated Wien's approximation is:
where ζ(s) is the Rieman zeta function and
This is NOT log-log plot, but it should be in order to show the behavior over the whole temperature range from 0 to 10**4 K.
Credit/Permission: ©
2011 /
Creative Commons
CC BY-SA 3.0.
Image linked to Wikipedia.
Local file: local link: stefan_boltzmann_law.html.
File: Blackbody file: