Caption: "Photo portrait of Swedish professor Knut Lundmark (1889--1958) as student 1908, with signature." (Slightly edited.)
This looks like a graduation picture of some kind---Lundmark is wearing a floral wreath---like winning racing horse.
Lundmark anticipated Edwin Hubble (1889--1953) with evidence for the expansion of the universe and Hubble's law in 1924 (Steer 2012, Way 2013, Trimble 2012, Trimble 2013).
However, his evidence was NOT sufficiently convincing for expansion and he failed to find Hubble's law though he did plot what we now call a Hubble diagram---he didn't draw a line though his scattered data points (Way 2013, p. 13).
If Lundmark had shown a bit more insight in 1924 he might have made a claim both for expansion of the universe and Hubble's law (even without sufficiently convincing evidence) and gotted credited by history with their discovery.
But he didn't do that that, and so wasn't the winner after all.
Credit/Permission: Anonymous photographer
at H. Tegstroem & Co.,
1908 /
Public domain.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Portrait of swedish professor Knut Lundmark as student 1908.jpg.
Local file: local link: knut_lundmark.html.
File: Astronomer file: