Caption: "Portrait of
Thomas Jefferson (1743--1826)'':
Founding Father of the United States.
There is a quote attributed to the 3rd
President of the United States
apropos reports of
the Weston meteorite (1807 Dec14):
However, what he really said apropos
of said meteorite was:
A thousand
present themselves daily which we cannot explain, but
where facts are suggested, bearing no analogy with the
laws of nature as yet known to us,
their verity needs proofs proportioned to their difficulty.
A cautious mind will weigh well the opposition of the
phenomenon to everything hitherto
observed, the strength of the testimony by which it is supported, and
the errors and misconceptions to which even our senses are liable.
It may be very difficult to explain how the stone you possess came
into the position in which it was found. But is it easier to explain
how it got into the clouds from whence it is supposed to have fallen?
The actual fact however is the thing to be established, and this
I hope will be done by those whose situations and qualifications enable them to do it.
An example of the
writing style
of the principle author
of the
of Independence---and to see how that document was written, view the
archival footage
1776 - But Mr. Adams Clip | 6:28 in
the insert below
(local link /
general link: benjamin_franklin_videos.html).
php require("/home/jeffery/public_html/astro/art/art_b/benjamin_franklin_videos.html");?>
Credit/Permission: Rembrandt Peale (1778--1860),
(uploaded to Wikimedia Commons
by Brian Wolff (AKA User::Bawolff),
2007) /
Public domain.
Image link: Wikipedia:
File:Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale, 1800.jpg.
Local file: local link: thomas_jefferson.html.
File: Art file: