Caption: Sir Harold Jeffreys (1891--1989) was one of the leading developers of Bayesian analysis---no relation to yours truly though he manages to look a lot like the father of yours truly anyway.
See also Harold Jeffreys: Old/Young.
Bayesian analysis started with the discoverer and eponym of Bayes' theorem, Thomas Bayes (c.1701--1761).
Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749--1827) and Harold Jeffreys greatly extended it.
Anonymous photographer,
circa late 20th century /
No permission.
Image link: MacTutor History
of Mathematics archive: Harold Jeffreys: Image link direct:
Sir Harold Jeffreys (1891--1989) image.
Image: Placeholder image:
Local file: local link: harold_jeffreys.html.
File: Art file: