Image 1 Caption: Eratosthenes (c.276--c.195 BCE) (who lived and worked in Ptolemaic Egypt) measured the circumference---and thereby also radius---of the Earth. His menthod is illustrated in the 2 images.
In fact, if the ancient Greek astronomers had the right idea of the heliocentric solar system model and put their minds to it they could have measured the Earth-Sun distance to fair accuracy just as was done in the 17th century by Jean Richer (1630--1696) and Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625--1712) in 1672 (see Wikipedia: Astronomical unit: History). In fact moreover, if Eratosthenes (c.276--c.195 BCE), Archimedes (c.287--c.212 BCE) (arguably both greatest ancient Greek mathematician and experimentalist), Aristarchos of Samos (c.310--c.230 BCE) (the first heliocentric solar system), and Ktesibios (c.285--c.222 BCE) (another great experimentalist) had put their great brain together, they could have done it.
Of Alexandros:
The angle
between the zenith direction
in Alexandria and
a light ray
from the Sun is equal
to the angle between the
radius to
Alexandria and
the radius
to Syene
by the
converse of Euclid's parallel postulate
(see also Euclidean
parallelism axiom).
The radius
to Alexandria is a
transversal that
intersects 2
straight lines.
φ = 7.2° = 1/50 of a
as measured by Eratosthenes,
S is the arc length between
Alexandria and
C is the circumference
of the Earth,
Eratosthenian stadion = 0.1577 km (modern estimate).
φ/360=S/C , and so C = (360/φ)S = 50*5020 = 252000 stadia
C = (252000 stadia) * [0.1577 km/(1 stadion)] ≅ 39700 km
r = C/(2π) ≅ 6320 km .