Kellermann's Kollectionn of:
Last Updated 10/12/97
Constantine, Alex. (1995). Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. Portland, OR: Feral House.
Conter, Thomas M. (1987). MacDonald Murder Case & Others. New York: Viking Penguin.
Macdonald, James B. (1990). A Family Affair: Vital Statistics. Long Beach, CA: J.B. MacDonald.
Malcolm, Janet. (1990). The Journalist and the Murderer. New York: Knopf.
McGinniss, Joe. (1983). Fatal Vision. New York: Putnam.
Potter, Jerry Allen, & Bost, Fred. (1995). Fatal Justice: Reinvestigating the MacDonald Murders. New York: W.W. Norton.
Stephens, Melinda. (1987). I Accuse: The Torturing of an American Hero. U.S.: American Ideal Pub.