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registration for NASA LAW Las Vegas 14-16 Feb

Registration form
Last name: Sharpee
First name: Brian
Middle name/initial: D
Affiliation: SRI International
Street Address: Molecular Physics Laboratory, 333 Ravenswood Ave.
City: Menlo Park
State: CA
Postal Code: 94025
Country: USA
Tel: 650-859-2975
Fax: 650-859-6196
E mail: brian.sharpee@sri.com
Citizenship*: USA
Abstract title: Studying Atomic Physics Using the Nighttime Atmosphere as a Laboratory
Special requirements: none
*Non-US citizens should contact Cara Loomis if travel reimbursement for the Workshop is required.



\title{Studying Atomic Physics Using the Nighttime Atmosphere as a

\author{Brian D. Sharpee \and Tom G. Slanger \and David L. Huestis,
\and Philip C. Cosby}

\date{5 January 2006}



Many of the atomic transitions observed in low-ionization plasma
astrophysical environments, such as planetary nebulae and H II
regions, are also manifest in the terrestrial night airglow or
nightglow. Ground-based observations of astrophysical objects
inevitably capture the spectrum of the nightglow. The combination of
the high resolution of these spectra, their associated
high-sensitivity detectors, and the ability to calibrate these spectra
to high precision in terms of wavelength and absolute intensity, have
allowed the observation and measurement of weak permitted and
optically-forbidden atomic transitions that are difficult to observe
in the laboratory. We present here a summary of our recent work in
this area, including a new determination of the wavelengths of the [O
I] $^2$D$^o$--$^2$P$^o$ $\lambda\lambda$7320,7330 doublets that are
used to characterize the velocity field of the Orion Nebula
outflow. Also presented are experimental tests of the theoretical
intensity ratios of [N I] $^4$S$^o$--$^2$D$^o$
$\lambda$5198/$\lambda$5200 and [O I] $^3$P--$^1$D
$\lambda$6300/$\lambda$6364, used as electron density and temperature
diagnostics, and our observations of high-energy triplet and quintet
Rydberg series neutral oxygen permitted lines, arising from electron radiative
recombination, that allow calculations of effective recombination
coefficients used for elemental abundance determination to be
verified. Finally, we present our re-confirmation in these spectra of
a discrepancy between the observed intensity ratio of [O I]
$^1$D$_2$--$^1$S$_0$ $\lambda$5577 to [O I] $^3$P$_1$--$^1$S$_0$
$\lambda$2972, and the ratios predicted by \textit{ab initio} theory
calculations and laboratory experiment, in some cases differing by
more than a factor of two.



Brian Sharpee
Molecular Physics Laboratory, PN-099
SRI International
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 859-2975