Hosted by

The Department of Physics & Astronomy
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Workshop organizers:
Zhaohuan Zhu, Jim Stone, & Kengo Tomida

Local organizing committee:
Daniel Proga, Tim Waters, Chao-Chin Yang, & Zhaohuan Zhu

Developer meeting

March 18th & 19th
Discussion of future code development efforts.

User meeting

March 20th-22nd
Science conference for Athena++ users.

Workshop Highlights

We plan to assemble both a gallery of visualizations showcasing the science being done with Athena++,
as well as a compilation of analysis scripts or other tools that may be useful to other users.


UNLV is a minority serving institute and has one of the most diverse campuses in the nation. We particularly encourage female participants and people from diverse backgrounds to join the conference.
