Citation Statistics


Total citations: > 40,000 (NASA ADS) or > 46,000 (Google scholar); h-index = 106 (NASA ADS) or 116 (Google scholar)
Normalized citations (citations/# of authors for each paper): > 10,000 (NASA ADS); h-index = 49
First-author publication citations: > 9,000 (NASA ADS); h-index = 41
Single-author publication citations: > 2,600 (NASA ADS); h-index = 22
m-index = 3.7 (h-index increases 3.7 per year on average, NASA ADS)
i100-index (# of publications cited at least 100 times) = 120 (NASA ADS) or 134 (Google Scholar)
i100-index for first-author publications = 26 (NASA ADS)


Total citations
Citations to refereed papers
Normalized citations
Citations to all first-author papers
Citations to first-author refereed papers
Citations to single-author papers

ADS citation metrics

Google Scholar:

All Google Scholar entries

ScholarGPS 2022:

Highly Ranked Scholars in Astronomy During Prior 5 Years
Highly Ranked Scholars in "Gamma Ray" During Lifetime

Thomson Reuters Science Watch 2008:

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