Former staff and students:

§  William Rogers (UNLV Physics major). Senior thesis completed 5/2024.

§  Zachary Thelen (UNLV Physics and Mechanical Engineering) Senior thesis completed 5/2024.

§  Alejandro Aceves (UNLV Physics major) successfully defended his senior thesis. Graduated 12/2023.

§  Drake Joseph (UNLV Physics major) successfully defended his senior thesis. Graduated 12/2023.

§  Steven Brant (UNLV Physics major) successfully defended his senior thesis.  Graduated 5/2019.

§  Sindi Torres (UNLV Biology major)

§  David Goldberger (UNLV physics graduate student – passed Ph.D. qualifying exam).  Successfully defended his masters thesis on 10/31/18.

§  Sarah Schyck (UNLV physics graduate student).  Successfully defended her masters thesis on 11/19/18.  Now in a Ph.D. program in Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands).

§  Cheyenne McGlothen (UNLV Physics major)  Successfully completed her Senior Project entitled:  “High Pressure Study of Tin (II) Oxalate using Raman Spectroscopy up to 20 GPa” on 12/7/18.

§  Kevin Parrish (UNLV Physics major)

§  Oliver Walton (UNLV Physics major)

§  Dr. Egor Evlyukhin (UNLV Postdoctoral Fellow)

§  Stephen Iota (UC Irvine physics major – summer REU student) 

§  Alexander Smith (UNLV physics and chemistry major)

§  Nate Stodick (Univ. Pittsburgh volunteer summer 2016 student)

§  Carlos Castro (UNLV Physics major) - completed his senior thesis with me.

§  Tony Brillhart (UNLV Physics major) - completed his senior thesis with me. Graduated May 2015.

§  Sharissa Reiser (UNLV Physics major) - completed her senior thesis with me.

§  Brent Hulsey- completed senior thesis with me.  Now employed by Allegiant airlines.

§  Ligang Bai (Postdoctoral Fellow now employed by HP-CAT at the Advanced Photon Source)

§  Nicholas Macagno (UNLV Physics majoe)

§  Mai Bausch (UNLV Physics major)

§  Griffin Guardala (Summer 2013 REU student from University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

§  Corwin Grigg (UNLV Engineering major)

§  Justice Sportsman (UNLV Chemistry major)

§  Marty Galley (UNLV Masters Graduate Student, also 2008 NSF REU Summer Student from SUNY Cortland) .  Now enlisted in the Navy as an officer. Successfully defended his Masters thesis on 11/7/11.

§  Robert Hunt (UNLV Physics major)

§  Yu Liu (currently a physics graduate student at Harvard)

§  John Robinson (currently a graduate student at the Univ. of Colorado, Boulder)

§  Sergio Dieguez (UNLV Physics major)

§  Casey Paulin (NSF REU 2012 Summer Student from Howard University)

§  Milos Visekruna (UNLV Physics major)

§  Jack Brangham (UNLV Summer REU Student from Otterbein University)           

§  Connor Callahan  (High School volunteers)

§  Dr. Neelanjan Bhattacharya (UNLV Postdoctoral Assistant)

§  Jimmy Hernandez-Bello (UNLV Physics Doctoral Student) 

§  Edward Romano (UNLV Masters Graduate Student).  Successfully defended his Masters thesis on July 7, 2010. Currently working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for NSTEC.

§  Harrison Ruiz (UNLV Summer 2010 NSF REU student)

§  Jennifer Wojno (UNLV Summer 2010 NSF REU student from Univ. of Louisville)Michael Haire (UNLV Engineering Sophomore)

§  Yu Zhen Feng (UNLV Biology Sophomore)

§  Sergey Tkachev (UNLV Postdoctoral Fellow)

§  Zachary Quine (UNLV Physics – graduated December 2007.  Received one of UNLV’s “Outstanding Graduate” awards.  Now working at the Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD. Will enter Princeton University Chemistry graduate program in the Fall of 2009.)

§  Brian Yulga (UNLV Masters Graduate Student.  Brian successfully defended his Masters thesis on July 15, 2009.)

§  David Hartnett (UNLV Physics major, now a physics graduate student at the Univ. of Oklahoma.  Senior thesis: “High temperature studies of cyclohexane.”)

§  Sandra Saldana (UNLV Geophysics – now a geophysics graduate student at New Mexico Tech)

§  Franciso Sermeno (UNLV Engineering Student)

§  Jeremy Segafredo (UNLV Physics Senior – graduated May 2008.  Senior thesis: “High pressure studies of TATB.”)

§  Emily Hartnett (UNLV Physics Junior)

§  Scott Wilde (UNLV physics graduate)                                               

§  Wade McElroy (UNLV Engineering Sophomore)                                         

§  Sean Bajar (UNLV Engineering Senior)

§  Brett Walters (UNLV Biology major –entered Chicago Medical School)

§  Cayce Roach (UNLV Physics Senior)

§  Carlos Parada (2004 Summer NSF REU student now a physics graduate student at the Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)

§  Jonathan Larson (2006 Summer NSF REU student from Longwood Univ.)

§  Thomas Hirschauer (2006 NSF REU student from Univ. of Dayton)

§  J.P. Badasci (2007 Summer NSF REU student from Austin Peay State U.)

§  Jessica Field (UNLV Math Senior.  Now a math teacher.)

§  Paul Parcon (UNLV Honors Student)           

§  Alex Carr (UNLV Freshman)

§  Ognjen Grubor-Urosevic (UNLV Masters Graduate Student)

§  Wayne Stanbery (Postdoctoral Fellow)

§  Krystyna Lipinska-Kalita  (Assistant Research Professor)