Dr. Michael Pravica 

·        Professor of Physics

·        Physics Department Assessment Coordinator

·        Proud recipient of the CSUN Student Government 2013 Faculty Excellence Award for teaching

·        Proud recipient of the UNLV College of Sciences 2013 Distinguished Teaching Award

·        Proud recipient of the UNLV College of Sciences 2018 Distinguished Service Award

·        Former UNLV Teaching Academy Fellow (F2014-S2015)

·        Chair UNLV Chemical Safety Committee

·        “Scientist” featured in No Script produced by Bleacher Report with Marshawn Lynch.

·         My research was recently highlighted in the following article: https://www.unlv.edu/news/article/x-rays-mark-spot

·         Recently, Marshawn Lynch and I reunited for an Allbirds commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4zTLS1UUH8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdzXFp9pRRo

I was also interviewed on the topic of the scientific method (series of three parts):  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHJlrkaTV5b5ZKnZPhAenjQVmWY1j4eyZ


University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

4505 Maryland Parkway Box 454002

Las Vegas, NV 89154-4002


Office: Bigelow Physics Building Room 136 (BPB-136).

Work Phone: (702)895-1723

Lab Phone: (702)895-1323

Raman Spectroscopy Lab: BPB 137

E-mail: michael.pravica@unlv.edu
Alternate E-mail:

Twitter handle:  @drpravica



Michael Pravica


Ph.D. in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics (1998) from Harvard University.
Thesis title: "NMR experiments in a diamond anvil cell at high pressures."

A.M. in Physics (1990) from Harvard University.

B.Sc. in Physics and Applied Mathematics (1988) with honors from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

My Group:                   

          Andrew Keshishian (UNLV physics undergraduate student)

          Julio Valdivia (UNLV physics undergraduate student)

          Daniel Fisher (UNLV mechanical engineering graduate student)

          Petrik Cifligu (UNLV physics graduate student)

          Trimaan Malik (UNLV physics graduate student)

Some of my former staff and students can be found here: Former staff and students.                            


This Spring (2025), I am teaching General Physics 2 (Physics 152).

Research Interests:

  I study the physics and chemistry of matter subjected to extreme conditions (high pressure, temperature and radiation).  Pressure is generated using diamond anvil or much larger Paris-Edinburgh cells.  Raman, infrared (IR), and X-ray spectroscopies, and X-ray diffraction are typically used to interrogate changes of matter under extreme conditions (e.g. phase transitions and chemical reactions).  We have performed experiments at the Advanced Photon Source, National Synchrotron Light Source (I and II), Advanced Light Source, the European Sychrotron Radiation Facility, the Pohang Light Source and the Canadian Light Source.   

      Recently, I have opened up a new field of science that I call useful hard x-ray induced chemistry where I use the highly ionizing, highly focused, and highly penetrating properties of hard x-rays (>7 keV) to initiate novel and highly controlled chemistry in situ in isolated and/or pressurized chambers. Though x-ray induced damage of various materials has been known as a nuisance for decades, we are using these decomposition reactions to develop novel and useful chemistry under extreme or isolated conditions. I have published a number of seminal papers on this new field of science which are listed in my publications below.  Most recently, we have synthesized a doped and very stable form of polymeric carbon monoxide by irradiating and pressurizing a benign starting material without the need for complex cryogenic loading of toxic carbon monoxide.   We are excited as we feel that this is the first time anyone has ever synthesized a polymer with a combination of x-rays and high pressure which may even lend insight into how complex molecules such as DNA were formed via energizing radiation in the deepest reaches of outer space and the surface constitution of planets with thin or no atmosphere (e.g. Mars or the Moon). We have used these methods to synthesize novel materials such as doped polymeric carbon monoxide and a novel structure of cesium superoxide demonstrating that not only can x-ray synthesize novel compounds, they can create novel structures of known compounds. 

     I am partially transitioning to biophysics in an effort to utilize my patented knowledge in damaging molecules using hard x-rays and other highly ionizing radiation to aid in the synthesis of vaccines and cancer treatments.

     Using our irradiation methods, we have also successfully released molecular fluorine inside sealed chambers such as a diamond anvil cell by loading samples with fluorine-bearing compounds such as XeF2, C6F14  and KBF4.  This has enabled us to develop fluorine chemistry at extreme conditions.  We are one of the few groups in the world trying to do this.  This includes verifying predictions of inner shell chemistry of Miao at high pressure.


CLSLoading hydrazineCLSESRFRaman LabLabcoatHPCATIPB Zemun

Recent Publications:

All of my peer reviewed publications can be accessed here: PUBLICATIONS

Here are my publications since 2016:

·        “Human behavior and waves,” M. Pravica, submitted (2025).

·        “Chemistry applications at the Brockhouse sector hard X-ray beamlines at the Canadian Light Source” M. Paige, A. Yeboah, S. Singh, M. Fleischauer, T. Malik, M. Pravica, R. Scott, E. Pensini, A. Marangoni, A. Leontowich, G. King, N. Appathurai, A. Rahemtulla, E. Boateng, A. Chen, N. Burns, S. Kycia, B. Moreno, submitted to the Canadian Journal of Chemistry (2024).

·        “X-ray induced synthesis of beta tin (β-Sn),” T. Malik, P. Cifligu, M. Pravica, C. Park, E. Evlyukhin, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 196, 112351(2025).

·        "Crystal Structure of Perfluorononanoic Acid, C9HF17O2" J. Reid, T. Maalik, M. Pravica, A. Leontowich, A. Rahemtulla, Powder Diffraction pp. 1-7 (2024).

·        “A novel means to generate high pressure,” M. Pravica, P. Cifligu, A. Lua Sanches, T. Maalik, N. Appathurai, B. Diaz Moreno, Review of Scientific Instruments 95(7), 073904 (2024).

·        "Piezochromic Behaviour of 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium tetrachloroferrate" Small Science 2400106 (2023).

·        “The High Pressure Dependence of X-Ray Induced Decomposition of Cadmium Oxalate," A. Sanchez, P. Cifligu, M. Graff, M. Pravica, P. Bhowmik, C. Park, E. Evlyukhin, AIP Advances 13, 105031 (2023).

·        “Experimental demonstration of necessary conditions for X-ray induced synthesis of cesium superoxide,” E. Evlyukhin, P. Cifligu, M. Pravica, P. Bhowmik, E. Kim, D. Popov and C. Park,  Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, 1799 (2023).

·        “Observation of pressure-induced electron transfer in SnC2O4,” M. Pravica, R. Chernikov, K. Ayala Pineda, J. Zhao, P. Cifligu, C. McGlothen, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, pp. 5969-5974 (2021).

·        “Phase transitions in strontium oxalate at high-pressure,” I. Batyrev, P. Cifligu, J. Ciezak-Jenkins, M. Pravica, submitted (2019).

·        “Observation of second harmonic generation in doped polymeric carbon monoxide,” M. Pravica, M. Rabasovic, A. Krmpot, P. Cifligu, B. Harris, E. Evlyukhin, M. Nikolic Materials Letters 256, 126629 (2019).

·        "High pressure behavior of mercury difluoride (HgF2)," S. Schyck, E. Evlyukhin, E. Kim, M. Pravica, Chemical Physics Letters 724, pp 35-41 (2019).

·         “Fluorine chemistry at extreme conditions: possible synthesis of HgF4,” M. Pravica, S. Schyck, B. Harris, P. Cifligu, B. Billinghurst, Papers in Physics  11, 110001 (2019). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4279/PIP.110001

·        Communication: “Synthesis of a novel strontium-based wide-bandgap semiconductor via X-ray photochemistry at extreme conditions,” E. Evlyukhin, et al. The Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6, 12473-12478 (2018). 10.1039/C8TC04496A

·        “Cationic Dependence of X-ray Induced Damage of Strontium and Barium Nitrate,” D. Goldberger, C. Park, E. Evlyukhin, P. Cifligu, M. Pravica, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 22 (44), pp 8722–8728 (2018). 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b08224

·        “Hard x-ray induced synthesis of OF2” M. Pravica, M. White, Y. Wang, Y. Xiao, P. Chow, 36(4), pp. 50-52, Chimica Oggi (2018).

·        “High-pressure-assisted X-ray-induced damage as a new route for chemical and structural synthesis,” E. Evlyukhin, E. Kim, D. Goldberger, P. Cifligu, S. Schyck, P. Weck and M. Pravica Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 18949-18956 (2018). Desginated as a “2018 HOT article.”  DOI: 10.1039/c8cp02119h

·        “Forcing Cesium into Higher Oxidation States Using Useful Hard X-ray Induced Photochemistry at Extreme Conditions,” D. Sneed, M. Pravica. E. Kim, N. Chen, C. Park, M. White IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 950 (2017) 042055.

·        “Measurement of the Energy and High-Pressure Dependence of X-ray-induced Decomposition of Crystalline Strontium Oxalate,” D. Goldberger, E. Evlyukhin, P. Cifligu, Y. Wang‡, M. Pravica, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121, pp. 7108−7113 (2017).  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b05604

·        Editor’s Choice: “X-ray induced synthesis of stable doped solid CO at ambient conditions,” M. Pravica, E. Evlyukhin, P. Cifligu, B. Harris, N. Chen, Y. Wang, Chemical Physics Letters 686, pp. 183-188 (2017).

·        “Inner-shell Chemistry under High Pressure,” M. Miao, J. Botana, M. Pravica, D. Sneed, C. Park, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 05FA10 (2017).

·        “High Pressure Resonant X-ray Emission Studies of WO3 and Hydrogenated WO3,” M. Pravica. Y. Wang, Y. Xiao, P. Chow, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Conference Proceedings 6, 011102 (2017).

·        “High-Pressure Equation of State of Cesium Fluoride to 120 GPa,” D. Sneed, M. Pravica, E. Kim, P. Weck, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Conference Proceedings 6, 011101 (2017).

·        “A novel method to create molecular mixtures at high pressures: The case of fluorine and oxygen,” M. Pravica, M. White and Y. Wang, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 2015- AIP Conference Proceedings, 1793, pp. 060030:1–4 (2017).

·        “WHEN DO SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS COMPETE?  STEPS TOWARD A HEURISTIC CHECKLIST,” Metaphilosophy, T. Jones and M. Pravica, 48 (1-2) pp. 96-122 (2017).

·        “Why do I need to take physics?” M. Pravica, The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 25 (5), pp. 8-9 (2016).

·        “High Pressure Studies of KClO4,” M. Pravica, Y. Wang, D. Sneed, S, Reiser, M. White, Chemical Physics Letters, 660, pp. 37-42 (2016).

·        “Giant Pressure-Driven Lattice Collapse Coupled with Intermetallic Bonding and Spin-State Transition in Manganese Chalcogenides”, Y. Wang, L. Bai, T. Wen, L. Yang, H. Gou, Y. Xiao, P. Chow, M. Pravica, W. Yang, Y. Zhao, Angewandte Chemie 128, pp. 10506-10509 (2016).

·        “Reversible switching between pressure-induced amorphization and thermal-driven recrystallization in VO2(B) nanosheets,” Y. Wang, J. Zhu, W. Yang, T. Wen, M. Pravica, Z. Liu, M. Hou, Y. Fei, L. Kang, Z. Lin, C. Jin, Y. Zhao, Nature Communications 7, 12214 (2016).

·        “A novel synthesis of polymeric CO via useful hard x-ray photochemistry,” M. Pravica, D. Sneed, Q. Smith, B. Billinghurst, T. May, M. White, Cogent Physics 3, (2016).

·        Hexafluorobenzene under extreme conditions,” M. Pravica, D. Sneed, Y. Wang, Q. Smith, M. White, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120, pp. 2854-2858 (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b00497




1.       I also had a patent (7,795,120) granted to myself and my collaborators:  Doping wide band gap semiconductors using proton induced transmutation.”

Inventors:     Jack L Price (Derwood, MD), Noel A. Guardala (Columbia, MD), and Michael G. Pravica (Henderson, NV)


Patent Link


2.     X-RAY TARGETED BOND OR COMPOUND DESTRUCTION (Application number:  20150196777)

3.     “A novel synthetic route for polymers utilizing hard x-ray photochemistry” (Patent: WO 2018034650).

Recent Presentations/Activities:

·        Contributed talk to the Canadian Light Source Far-IR virtual meeting: “X-ray induced metallization of a salt,” (12/12/2024).

·        Invited Speaker:  My life as a physicist,” Helen Marie Smith Elementary School, Las Vegas, NV (11/14/24).

·        Invited Keynote Speaker: “Serbia’s Benjamin Franklin: The amazing life and times of Mihajlo Pupin” Serbian National Federation Heaquarters, Chicago, IL (10/12/24).

·        Contributed poster: “Experimental investigation of the control mechanism of X-ray induced structural and chemical synthesis at extreme conditions,” BES Materials Chemistry Principle Investigators Meeting, Gaithersburg, MD (8/7/24).

·        Invited Keynote Speaker: “God, Love, Quantum Mechanics and Nikola Tesla” St. George Sebian Orthodox Church San Diego, CA (6/30/24).

·        Invited Speaker: “A novel means to generate pressure and a novel method to enhance x-ray induced damage of biological materials,” Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia (6/13/24).

·        Invited Speaker: "God, Love, Quantum Mechanics, and Nikola Tesla," Tesla Science Foundation 2024 conference, New York City, NY (1/13/24).

·        Invited Speaker: “What do we owe Nikola Tesla and how can we repay him?” San Marcos, CA (9/23/23).

·        Contributed Speaker:  Novel fluorine chemistry at extreme conditions,” Edinburgh, UK (7/25/23).

·        Invited Speaker: “Using Hard X-rays to Drive Novel Chemistry,” Institute of Physics, Belgrade Serbia (7/14/23).

·        Invited speaker: “Using Hard X-rays to Drive Novel Chemistry,” Tesla’s People Conference, remote presentation, Hotel New Yorker, NYC (1/14/23).

·        Invited speaker: “Using Hard X-rays to Drive Novel Chemistry,” 3rd International Conference on Ionizing Processes (ICP) 2022, remote presentation (7/11/22).

·        Invited speaker: “Using Hard X-rays to Drive Novel Chemistry,” Cal Poly Pomona University, Pomona, CA (3/17/22).

·        Invited speaker: “Nikola Tesla’s contributions to X-ray science,” SRBATOM Nuclear Safety Today conference Belgrade, Serbia (12/2/21) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYhHjApmxIs

·        Invited speaker: “Data in Physical Sciences,” 2021 URSP Virtual Research Data Boot Camp, remote presentation (10/8/21)

·        Invited speaker: “An Exploration of STEM Careers and Possibilities,” for the Chicago Gifted Community Center (5/20/21).

·        Invited speaker: “Fluorine chemistry at extreme conditions: Possible synthesis of HgF4,” Far-IR Beamline Webinar, Canadian Light Source, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (11/27/20). Remote presentation.

·        Contributed poster: “Progress in determining the x-ray induced energy-dependent decomposition of nucleic acids,” CLS AUM 2020 meeting, Canadian Light Source Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (10/7/20).

·        Invited co-presenter: “Marrying the Sciences and Humanities: Interdisciplinary Scholarship in the Age of COVID” for the Course Hero Virtual Summit ’20 (7/29/20).

·        Guest Keynote Speaker:“How Tesla’s Ideas May Help Solve COVID-19” Nikola Tesla Virtual Birthday Celebration; Tesla Science Foundation (7/11/20).

·        Presented Keynote Address to the Kids Virtual Climate Summit (Chicago IL): https://www.chicagogiftedcommunity.org/2020-projects

·        Invited talk on climate change to the Environmental Science club of Southeast Career Technical Academy high school (SECTA), Henderson NV (1/31/20). See photo below.

Allbirds Commercial

No Script appearances:

With Marshawn LynchAllbirds Commercial

Episode 8: Here I am demonstrating some of the wonders of liquid nitrogen (don’t try this at home!):


 “Not on the J’s Scientist” (Episode 8): https://www.facebook.com/noscript/videos/1579663862079652/

 “Marshawn Has Some Fun with Liquid Nitrogen” (Episode 8): https://www.facebook.com/noscript/videos/1579311182114920/

Bonus clip (Episode 4): https://www.facebook.com/noscript/videos/marshawn-is-finally-reunited-with-the-scientist/1551674464878592/

Episode 4:  https://www.facebook.com/noscript/videos/1550810691631636/

Bonus clip 1 of me meeting Marshawn Lynch for the first time (Episode 1): https://www.facebook.com/noscript/videos/1533566983356007/

Bonus clip 2 of me drifting a race car (Episode 1): https://www.facebook.com/noscript/videos/1536398983072807/

Episode 1:  https://www.facebook.com/noscript/videos/1531221480257224/

There was an article on my involvement with Marshawn Lynch’s No Script show published in UNLV News: https://www.unlv.edu/news/article/brains-and-beast-mode

For further information about the UNLV Physics program, please visit,

I was recently interviewed by the UNLV College of Sciences for their “Faculty tips for success” series:  https://youtu.be/C-wOV--5_bU

Another web site of mine:  http://pravica.tripod.com/

My wife, Professor-in-Residence Maria Jerinic-Pravica is the Associate Dean of the UNLV Honors College (http://honors.unlv.edu/).   We did a talk together which was definitely a bucket list item for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iClkD_nfIrE



Lead letter discussing the need to have AED's in public spaces:  https://vancouversun.com/opinion/letters/letters-to-the-sun-automated-external-defibrillators-should-be-in-schools-and-public-spaces-at-a-bare-minimum

Detection of biological threats at the border talk:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4m47HfT6rA&t=4s

Interview with Channel 3 news Las Vegas on the Titan submersible tragedy:  https://news3lv.com/news/local/unlv-physics-professor-speaks-on-submersible-tragedy

Brief interview on our local Channel 3 news on the subject of sunspots and climate change: https://news3lv.com/news/local/special-report-is-the-earth-headed-for-a-cooldown?fbclid=IwAR2fUAEL0BYMql4iM2vw87YvtycYYV7_0JrlSnBy9WgEIEFIYA39Oqr-JJM

Brief interview on our local Channel 3 news on the subject of EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulses): https://news3lv.com/news/local/emp-threat-how-one-weapon-natural-phenomenon-could-render-electronics-useless

Lead Letter in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on installing seatbelts on buses in the wake of a horrific bus crash there:  https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/letters/2020/01/07/Seat-belts-save-lives-should-be-enforced/stories/202001070016

Letter published in the Leader Post (Regina) on climate change 2nd letter down): https://leaderpost.com/opinion/letters/letters-to-the-editor-dec-23

Letter of the Day: Consider bypass for cyclists, walkers (Star Phoenix Saskatoon): https://thestarphoenix.com/opinion/letters/letter-of-the-day-consider-bypass-for-cyclists-walkers

Letter to the Editor in the Chicago Tribune on higher education (2nd letter down): https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/letters/ct-letters-vp-080119-20190731-d42quthujrbmpe3bnnsultc3dm-story.html

Interview for local Fox5 News on the shortage of helium:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXEPMt6ef2M

Interview for local Channel 3 News on the shortage of helium:  https://news3lv.com/news/local/helium-shortage-forces-las-vegas-party-planners-to-get-creative

I had letters published on the recent academic admissions scandal in the Los Angeles Times, The Arizona Republic and The Arizona Star newspapers:https://tucson.com/opinion/letters/politics-national/letter-college-admissions-scandal-re-admissions-scandal-highlights-divide-over/article_0e34fadc-49c5-11e9-9af9-8b1e40ad712f.html

I was interviewed by our local Channel 8 News on elemental neon which is being considered as our state element: https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/legislative-bill-would-recognize-neon-as-nevadas-state-element/

I participated in a UNLV forum on writing proposals and grants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkAbxOmcFRc&fbclid=IwAR2VfEn8X_sj6SmFJFhcFfiyhic6tqG_qWMjnIl6LgGMV3ysyU4rpoSMmc8

Las Vegas can be proud of UNLV letter in the Las Vegas Sun: https://lasvegassun.com/news/2019/feb/11/las-vegas-can-be-proud-of-unlv/

Our leaders don’t understand climate change letter published in the Salt Lake City Tribune: https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/letters/2018/12/21/letter-our-leaders-dont/

On limiting human-initiated forest fires published in the Star Phoenix (Saksatoon) newspaper:  http://thestarphoenix.com/opinion/letters/letter-of-the-day-we-can-limit-human-caused-forest-fires

An interview pertaining to my involvement in the No Script show was recently published:  https://www.educationdive.com/news/marshawn-lynchs-scientist-talks-future-of-research-and-importance-of-str/514031/

On the Hurricane Irma and climate change (6th letter down): http://www.tampabay.com/opinion/letters/tuesdays-letters-during-irma-were-thankful-for-great-neighbors/2337079

A similar letter was published in the London Independent (5th letter down):   http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/letters/brexit-theresa-may-david-davis-rush-limbaugh-hurricane-irma-a7941256.html

On climate change: http://thehill.com/opinion/letters/327502-humanity-must-take-action-now-to-reduce-greenhouse-gas-emissions

On climate change (3rd letter down): http://www.latimes.com/opinion/readersreact/la-ol-le-trump-coal-miners-climate-change-20170401-story.html

On the dangers of drug abuse:  http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20170329/discuss/170328622/

On hydroelectricity being “green” (sixth letter down):  http://edmontonjournal.com/opinion/letters/tuesdays-letters-canada-a-safe-harbour-in-global-storms .

On the dangers of “vaping” (second letter down):  http://thestarphoenix.com/opinion/letters/0419-edit-letters

On the recent return of an astronaut from the International Space Station: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/letters_to_the_editors/2016/03/11/a-testament-to-our-ingenuity.html

On the recent discovery of gravitational waves:  http://chicago.suntimes.com/opinion/tuesday-letters-ken-dunkin-takes-a-brave-stand/

My talk entitled:  Tesla’s contributions to modern physics,” was placed on youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctSJH3KViJ8.

On the recent photos of Pluto: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/readersreact/la-le-0718-saturday-pluto-20150718-story.html

On the need to have seat belts on trains: http://www.philly.com/philly/opinion/20150514_LETTERS_-_May_14.html

On climate change in Florida (last letter down): http://www.orlandosentinel.com/opinion/os-ed-letters-netanyahu-iran-031515-20150313-story.html 

On the need for all of our citizenry to be educated in science (see letter at the bottom of the article): http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/01/07/science-education-politics-your-say/4364417/

On the need to create a medical school at UNLV:  http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2013/nov/11/its-about-time-med-school-here/

On the need to support early education in mathematics:  http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20130311/discuss/703119963/?interstitial=1 .

Problems with GMO foods: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/10-10-2012/122406-genetically_modified-0/

Online learning vs. real, in-person education: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/26/opinion/learning-in-classrooms-versus-online.html  (3rd letter down)

On the economy: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/0175658a-9f62-11e1-a455-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1vYV1izkN

Info Trak interview with me about the physics of driving:


Defending UNLV and public misperceptions of the critical role of professors and educators in general amidst the Draconian planned budget cuts (Letters to the Las Vegas Sun):








(Gulf oil leak activism):

Solution Part 1:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69OgLub6WiY

Solution Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3NGLb2Mtxc







Other activism:

I am also passionately concerned about the state of science in America.  Recently, my students, colleagues and I visited the offices of five of our Nevada state representatives in the Congress and Senate in Washington DC to encourage them to support President Bush’s initiative to increase America’s competitiveness in technology and science via increased funding for basic research.  A picture taken with Representative Shelley Berkley and our group in front of her office can be found at:



Some of my published op-eds:

“Physicist examines global warming”                            http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2006/aug/26/20060826-101814-1121r/

“Energy savings over friction”:                                      http://www.washingtontimes.com/commentary/20060603-093026-6604r.htm

“Physicist examines global warming”:                           http://www.washingtontimes.com/commentary/20060826-101814-1121r.htm

“Firming up hard science”:                                                        http://www.washingtontimes.com/commentary/20070505-101327-9121r.htm


“Science and religion”:                                                  http://washingtontimes.com/news/2005/dec/18/20051218-125508-8571r/

This page was updated on 1/13/25.
Thanks for visiting my page!


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