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Book Title: An Introduction to Computational Physics
Author: Tao Pang
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Place: New York
Publication Date: September, 1997
ISBN's: 0-521-48143-0 (hardback); 0-521-48592-4 (paperback)
List Prices: $110 (hardback); $42.95 (paperback)
Other Info: 393 Pages; 7 x 10; 30 Line Diagrams; 5 Tables; 94 Exercises; Bibliography and Index
This book provides an contemporary introduction to the basic methods in computational physics and an overview of the recent progress in scientific computing. Many step-by-step examples from modern physics and related areas are given, often with the relevant program listing. Basic computational tools and routines, including the ones for differential equations, spectral analysis, and matrix operations, are dealt with through relevant examples at each stage, and more advanced topics, such as Monte Carlo simulations, molecular dynamics, and symbolic computing are also discussed.
1. Introduction; 2. Basic numerical methods; 3. Ordinary differential equations; 4. Numerical methods for matrices; 5. Spectral analysis and Gaussian quadrature; 6. Partial differential equations; 7. Molecular dynamics simulations; 8. Modeling continuous systems; 9. Monte Carlo simulations; 10. Numerical renormalization; 11. Symbolic computing; 12. High-performance computing.

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