Table of Contents
Book Title:
An Introduction
to Computational Physics, 2nd Edition
Tao Pang
Cambridge University Press
Publication Place: Cambridge, United Kingdom
Publication Date: February 2006
ISBN: 0-521-82569-5 (hardback)
List Price: $70.00
Other Info: 402 Pages; 246 x 189 mm; 37 Line Diagrams; 3 Tables;
169 Exercises; Bibliography; and Index
Chapter 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Computation and science
- 1.2 The emergence of modern computers
- 1.3 Computer algorithms and languages
- Exercises
Chapter 2. Approximation of a function
- 2.1 Interpolation
- 2.2 Least-squares approximation
- 2.3 The Millikan experiment
- 2.4 Spline approximation
- 2.5 Random-number generators
- Exercises
Chapter 3. Numerical calculus
- 3.1 Numerical differentiation
- 3.2 Numerical integration
- 3.3 Roots of an equation
- 3.4 Extremes of a function
- 3.5 Classical scattering
- Exercises
Chapter 4. Ordinary differential equations
- 4.1 Initial-value problems
- 4.2 The Euler and Picard methods
- 4.3 predictor-corrector methods
- 4.4 The Runge-Kutta method
- 4.5 Chaotic dynamics of a driven pendulum
- 4.6 Boundary-value and eigenvalue problems
- 4.7 The shooting method
- 4.8 Linear equations and Sturm-Liouville problem
- 4.9 The one-dimensional Schroedinger equation
- Exercises
Chapter 5. Numerical methods for matrices
- 5.1 Matrices in physics
- 5.2 Basic matrix operations
- 5.3 Linear equation systems
- 5.4 Zeros and extremes of a multivariable function
- 5.5 Eigenvalue problems
- 5.6 The Faddeev-Leverrier method
- 5.7 Complex zeros of a polynomial
- 5.8 Electronic structure of atoms
- 5.9 The Lanczos algorithm and the many-body problem
- 5.10 Random matrices
- Exercises
Chapter 6. Spectral analysis
- 6.1 Fourier analysis and orthogonal functions
- 6.2 Discrete Fourier transform
- 6.3 Fast Fourier transform
- 6.4 Power spectrum of a driven pendulum
- 6.5 Fourier transform in higher dimensions
- 6.6 Wavelet analysis
- 6.7 Discrete wavelet transform
- 6.8 Special functions
- 6.9 Gaussian quadratures
- Exercises
Chapter 7. Partial differential equations
- 7.1 Partial differential equations in physics
- 7.2 Separation of variables
- 7.3 Discretization of the equation
- 7.4 The matrix method for differential equations
- 7.5 The relaxation method
- 7.6 Groundwater dynamics
- 7.7 Initial-value problems
- 7.8 Temperature field of nuclear waste storage facilities
- Exercises
Chapter 8. Molecular dynamics simulations
- 8.1 General behavior of a classical system
- 8.2 Basic methods for many-body systems
- 8.3 The Verlet algorithm
- 8.4 Structure of atomic clusters
- 8.5 The Gear predictor-corrector method
- 8.6 Constant pressure, temperature, and bond length
- 8.7 Structure and dynamics of real materials
- 8.8 Ab initio molecular dynamics
- Exercises
Chapter 9. Modeling continuous systems
- 9.1 Hydrodynamic equations
- 9.2 The basic finite element method
- 9.3 The Ritz variational method
- 9.4 Higher-dimensional systems
- 9.5 The finite element method for nonlinear equations
- 9.6 The particle-in-cell method
- 9.7 Hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics
- 9.8 The Boltzmann lattice-gas method
- Exercises
Chapter 10. Monte Carlo simulations
- 10.1 Sampling and integration
- 10.2 The Metropolis algorithm
- 10.3 Applications in statistical physics
- 10.4 Critical slowing down and block algorithms
- 10.5 Variational quantum Monte Carlo simulations
- 10.6 Green's function Monte Carlo simulations
- 10.7 Two-dimensional electron gas
- 10.8 Path-integral Monte Carlo simulations
- 10.9 Quantum lattice models
- Exercises
Chapter 11. Genetic algorithm and programming
- 11.1 Basic elements of a genetic algorithm
- 11.2 The Thomson problem
- 11.3 Continuous genetic algorithm
- 11.4 Other applications
- 11.5 Genetic programming
- Exercises
Chapter 12. Numerical renormalization
- 12.1 The scaling concept
- 12.2 Renormalization transform
- 12.3 Critical phenomena: The Ising model
- 12.4 Renormalization with Monte Carlo simulation
- 12.5 Crossover: The Kondo problem
- 12.6 Quantum lattice renormalization
- 12.7 Density matrix renormalization
- Exercises