Caption: "Melancholia I."
The angel of melancholy among her scattered instruments and experiments.
Credit: Albrecht Dürer (1471--1528).
Linked source: Wikipedia image
Permission: Public domain at least in USA.
When one has so many friends in so many places as I am fortunate to have, necessity forces one to a general greeting. My apologies. A brief resume of the past year: I left the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho and have moved on to Northern Arizona University in Flagastaff, Arizona where I'm working as an instructor. I'm now off on my Christmas vacation.
New image: a bit of an antidote.
Same poem as last year: it seems as needed as before.
I have all the best hopes and wishes for you-all in the new year.
If even one denies me, I am not.
The Greeks had gods for everything but me.
Since then
How could I live on earth, in heaven? Yet see
if you can find me in the hearts of men.
---Daniel Hoffman (1923--) from Darkening Water. I seem to have modified it a bit from Hoffman.
This file was last updated 2009dec22 Tuesday