When one has so many friends in so many places as I am fortunate to have, necessity forces one to a general greeting. My apologies. Briefly: I'm still in Socorro, New Mexico as a visiting faculty at New Mexico Tech. I'm now on my way to Canada again for Christmas.
Same poem, same image as last year: some words are always spring, some images, always hope.
I have all the best hopes and wishes for you-all in the new year.
Good Cheer
---Geoffrey Chaucer: trans. Hieatt & Hieatt (1964)
From the "The Prologue" of the "Canterbury Tales" (circa 1400)
Maintained (if that is the word) by David J. Jeffery, Tel: 615-898-5946, Email: jeffery@kestrel.nmt.edu
This file was last updated 2002dec08 Sunday