International Folk Dance Groups

  1. Lawrence, Kansas Folk Dancers
  2. Las Vegas: Ethnic Express See their youtube Rain Dance (2009). The old page that I made for them Las Vegas: Ethnic Express.
  3. Las Vegas/Henderson, Nevada: The Southern Nevada Old-Time Contra Dancers
  4. Moscow,ID/Pullman,WA: Palouse Folklore Society They folk and dance.
  5. Oak Ridge, Tennessee: The Oak Ridge International Folk Dancers
  6. WSU Pullman International Folk Dancers Meets at Gladish Community & Cultural Center.


  1. me. Me at the 2009oct30 Halloween contra dance of the Palouse Folklore Society. I don't look like this really---it's Halloween.

    Credit: David Hall.

  2. me. Me at the 2009oct30 Halloween contra dance of the Palouse Folklore Society. I don't look like this really---it's Halloween.

    Credit: David Hall.

Maintained (if that is the word) by David J. Jeffery, Tel: 615-898-5946 Email:

This file was last updated 2004may14