University Pages
All talks at 4:00 pm, unless otherwise specified.
Note: The schedule is tentative. We welcome volunteers.
People who would like particular dates
to talk should let the intructor know. Local speakers may be
bumped if there are visitors.
_____________________________________________________________________ Monday Colloquium _____________________________________________________________________ January 15 Martin Luther King Day Holiday: no classes January 22 Speaker: David Jeffery, Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: The Cosmic Microwave Background---CMB--- at High Redshift, Part I Abstract January 29 Speaker: David Jeffery again, but he can be bumped Title: The Cosmic Microwave Background---CMB--- at High Redshift, Part II Abstract February 5 Speaker: David Jeffery again, but he can be bumped Title: The Scientific Revolution Abstract Paragraph on colloquium topic due from students February 12 Speaker: Doug Wells, Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: The Quantum Zeno Paradox Sponsor: The ISU Society of Physics Students Refreshments: 3:30 pm in Garrison House Conference Room 625 February 19 Presidents' Day Holiday: no classes February 26 Speaker: Jonathan Case, student speaker Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: Near Earth Objects: NEOs Abstract March 5 Speaker: Ernest McCormick, student speaker Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: "Technologies to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Next Decade" from Arthur H. Rosenfeld, Tina M. Kaarsberg, and Joseph Romm, Physics today, 2000 November, Volume 53, Number 11 Abstract March 9 Speaker: Khalid Chouffani, Idaho Accelerator Center Title: Parmetric X Radiation and Diffracted Transition Radiation at REFER Electron Ring Abstract March 12 Speaker: Michelle Espy, Los Alamos National Laboratory Title: SQUIDS: Weapons, Neutrons, and Brains Abstract March 13 Speaker: Frank Merrill, Los Alamos National Laboratory Title: A Search for the H Dibaryon Abstract March 16 Speaker: Liping Gan, Jefferson Laboratory Title: Precision Measurement of the Electromagnetic Properties of Pseudoscalar Mesons at CEBAF via the Primakoff Effect Abstract March 19 Spring Break---but their is a talk Speaker: C. Rangacharyulu, University of Saskatchewan Title: Symmetries in Physics Abstract March 26 Speaker: Lynn Anspaugh, Radiobiology Division University of Utah Title: Radiation Dose Reconstruction for Risk Derivation: General Methods and Application to the Techa River Cohort in Russia Abstract April 2 Speaker: Martin Hackworth, Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: The Physics of Concert Sound Reinforcement Abstract April 9 Speaker: Neal D. Shinn, Acting Manager, Surface & Interface Science Department Sandia National Laboratories Title: Surface Nanostructure Formation: How and Why? Abstract April 16 Speaker: Rebecca Backstrom, student speaker, Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: Abstract April 23 Speaker: Farida Selim, Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: Fast Positrons Abstract April 30 Speaker: Catalin Frujinoiu, student speaker Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: Modeling Micro-Biological Dosimeters Abstract May 3 Speaker: Bruce A. Remington, Hydrodynamics Group Leader, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Title: Scaling Astrophysics into the Laboratory Abstract Note: Thursday not Monday Time: To be Announced May 7 Speaker: Carrie Taylor and Andrew Kok Kuan Wong student speakers, Dept. of Physics, ISU Title: Scanning Electron Microscopes (Carrie) Abstract May 14 Final colloquium paper due date: May 16 Wednesday