For the time being, mainly what we have is just
Liddle, AT 6: Direct link.
Plus some supplements/complements.
Liddle, AT 6: Direct link.
- Wikipedia:
Graphical timeline from Big Bang to Heat Death but note that the left-hand vertical scale is tricky, for
greater than about > 0, it is x=100*log(log(t_year)) and so t_year=10**(10**(x/100)))
- Wikipedia:
Graphical timeline of the Big Bang: Redundant to the timeline above.
- Wikipedia:
Chronology of the universe: Redundant to timeline above.
- Thomas Bayes (1701?--1761)
- Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749--1827):
He developed a good deal of what we now consider
Bayesian inference
(see Wikipedia:
Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749--1827): Analytic theory of probabilities).
Did Laplace know of
Bayes? Someone must know.
Wikipedia doesn't say!
But France had already had a long
tradition of statistics going back to
Blaise Pascal (1623--1622) who
invented may have invented the roulette wheel.
- Harold Jeffreys (1891--1989):
The key mid- 20th century.
Images: Harold Jeffreys:
- Old/Young
- The middle years
- Bayes' theorem
- Bayesian probability
- Bayesian inference:
Inferring from data in hand what is the reality.
- Bayesian statistics
- Bayes factor (AKA Bayes K factor):
The formula is correct: see Kass & Raftery, p. 776.
The Bayes factor is NOT the
odds ratio: the prior and posterior odds ratio are producted in the last expression.
See also Bayes factor table.
- Hagen proof
of the Gaussian distribution: Scroll through p. 80--87, but
the proof is NOT complete.
The Hagen proof is hard to find online it seems, but it was common in textbooks once.
- ** | Bayesian Methods in Cosmology:
Roberto Trotta,
86 pages:
Review: On
Bayesian inference
in cosmology.
Probably pretty useful. I should teach it to make up half the course.
A more compact intro (without cosmology) is
Kass & Raftery, 1995.
anthropic principle,
Bayesian inference
(see also
Bayes' theorem,
Bayes factor (AKA Bayes K factor),
Bayesian probability,
Bayesian statistics,
nuisance parameter,
Boltzmann brain,
cold dark matter (CDM),
concordance model,
concordance model distance measures graph,
cosmological redshift,
dark energy,
dark matter,
expansion of the universe,
fine-tuned universe,
fundamental constants,
IceCube Neutrino Observatory,
IOP cosmological
parameters summary: bit dated,
metaphysical naturalism,
philosophical cosmology,
pocket universe,
Universe in Problems: lots of solutions,
- * | Testing the Multiverse: Bayes, Fine-Tuning and Typicality:
Luke A. Barnes,
19 pages:
Research: On Bayesian inference
in cosmology.
This is the philosophical complement to
Bayesian Methods in Cosmology:
Roberto Trotta (see below).
See also
Barnes, L., 2012, The Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Intelligent Life, 77 pages
for discussion of
the fine-tuned universe.
To an arguable extent the
observable universe has been
fine-tuned for life as we know it, but
NOT over-fined-tuned as Martin Rees (1942--)
and others have pointed out.
Over-fine-tuning would falsify
the multiverse.
So the multiverse has passed one
significant falsification test.
How many falsification tests
does a theory have to pass to be deemed
a scientific theory?
anthropic principle,
Bayesian inference
(see also
Bayes' theorem,
Bayesian probability,
Bayesian statistics,
Bayes factor (AKA Bayes K factor)),
Boltzmann brain,
cold dark matter (CDM),
concordance model,
concordance model distance measures graph,
cosmological redshift,
dark energy,
dark matter,
expansion of the universe,
fine-tuned universe,
fundamental constants,
IceCube Neutrino Observatory,
IOP cosmological
parameters summary: bit dated,
metaphysical naturalism,
philosophical cosmology,
pocket universe,
Universe in Problems: lots of solutions,
- Kass & Raftery, 1995, Bayes Factors