Cosmos 5: Cosmological Constant Models, Dark Energy, and the Λ-CDM Model

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  2. This is primarily a supplement/complement to Liddle, Ch. 8: The Cosmological Constant, also to Liddle, Ch. 9: The Age of the Universe, Liddle, Ch. 17: Classical Cosmology: Distances and Luminosities, Liddle, Ch. 20: Structure of the Universe, and Liddle, Ch. 21: ConstrainingCosmological Models.

    We're just going to surf stuff including the Web.

    1. concordance model parameters
    2. concordance model distance measures graph
    3. The eras of radiation, matter, and dark energy: new information from the Planck Collaboration: Kevin Cahill, arXiv, 2016, June 22, 13 pages: Research: On cosmic scale factor and the cosmic energy eras based on the Planck 2015: Planck 2015 results. XIII. Cosmological parameters.
      ---Keywords: cold dark matter (CDM), concordance model, concordance model distance measures, cosmic energy eras (radiation era, matter era, dark-energy era) cosmic scale factor, cosmological redshift, cosmology, dark energy, dark matter, disk galaxies, expansion of the universe, IOP cosmological parameters summary: bit dated, Universe in Problems: lots of solutions, etc.
    4. Future Evolution of Nearby Large-Scale Structure in a Universe Dominated by a Cosmological Constant: Kentaro Nagamine, Abraham Loeb, arXiv 2002, Nov12, 14 pages: Research: On the future of the observable universe assuming the cosmological constant and the concordance model.
      --- Keywords: cold dark matter (CDM), concordance model, concordance model parameters, concordance model distance measures graph, cosmology, dark energy, dark matter, galaxies, intergalactic medium (IGM), IOP cosmological parameters summary: bit dated, large-scale structure of the universe, Universe in Problems: lots of solutions, etc.
    5. Mark Whittle, University of Virginia: 16. THE COSMOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK: Lots of images
      1. three distances light cone
      2. three distances normal time
      3. three distance conformal time = comoving distance
    6. Wikipedia: Graphical timeline from Big Bang to Heat Death but note that the left-hand vertical scale is tricky, for greater than about > 0, it is x=100*log(log(t_year)) and so t_year=10**(10**(x/100)))
    7. Wikipedia: Timeline of the far future: Including and extreme speculative projections
    8. ** | Dark energy two decades after: Observables, probes, consistency tests: Dragan Huterer, Daniel L Shafer arXiv, 2017, Sep04, 38 pages: Review: On dark energy and the accelerating universe. An excellent review.
      ---Keywords accelerating universe, cold dark matter (CDM), concordance model, concordance model distance measures, cosmological redshift z, cosmology, dark energy, dark matter, galaxies, large scale structure, IOP cosmological parameters summary: bit dated, recombination epoch, Universe in Problems: lots of solutions, etc.