Last Lab Instructions for Instructors

  1. If the course evaluations are ready, you should do them.

    The procedure is to distribute course evaluation forms and leave the room.

    Arrange for a student to collect them after 10--15 minutes.

    The student can meet you in the hall and you can escort the student to the office to leave them on Natasa's desk.

    Then return and carry on.

    If the course evaluations are not ready for the last lab, you will have to do them at a lab practice/makeup or with the lab final.

    You may have to have students do them in one by one or in groups, and just escort the last student to Natasa's desk.

    You are not supposed to touch filled out forms---they're radioactive.

  2. You should let the students see their current grade record and let them query anything.

  3. You should alert them to the dates of the lab practices/makeups and the lab final.

  4. Get names of those who are doing makeups and the labs they are making up.

    Scheduling them for the make-ups is probably good practice.

    People with more than one lab missing are entitled to a makeup.

    People who have missed only one are NOT entitled.

    They can do them with instructor permission.

    The instructor has to be fair about permissions.

    In a one-missing-lab case, doing the lab will usually only change a student's grade by a small amount.

    But we want them to have the experience of the lab---a course is not about grades.

  5. If there are C8's for practice for the lab final, point them out.

  6. Describe your lab final or give them a source for the description: e.g., DavidJ's lab final description.

    Usually, one can arrange for them to come just when they need to for the lab final.

    If you are having them come at separate times and are ready, you can schedule them for the lab final.

    Or you could leave the scheduling to later and just email them their times.