Stonehenge Organization %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% David J. Jeffery Department of Physics University of Nevada, Las Vegas Box 454002 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 U.S.A. Office Tel: 702-895-4050 Email: Office: Bigelow Physics Building, Rm 238 Homepage: Departmental Tel: 702-895-3563 Departmental FAX: 702-895-0804 Departmental Email: Departmental Homepage: 2003 August 13 Dear Sir/Madam: I am preparing a course on introductory astronomy to be taught in the 2003/2004 semesters at UNLV. I would appreciate it if would give your persmission to use two of your gallery images of Stoneghenge (henge03.jpg and henge11.jpg) in the course web lectures that I'm developing. The images will be displayed on-line with credit. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely David J. Jeffery (Tried again 2003sep01) From: To: Thank You for your e-mail, as you can imagine, we get thousands of e-mail requests. If your e-mail requires a reply from us, we will try and reply within 7 working days. (That tears it. Their images I shouldn't really display anywhere or use.) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Mary Ann Sullivan, Bluffton College David J. Jeffery Department of Physics University of Nevada, Las Vegas 2003 September 1 Dear Prof. Sullivan: I have just discovered your Digital Imaging Project site and have downloaded for your Stonehenge images to use for an on-line course in introductory astronomy that I'm developing: I will give proper credit and link of course. I think your Project is a very valuable educational resource. In fact, only NASA seems to have more images for free educational use. Thank you for your work. Sincerely David J. Jeffery %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%