The Basics of Inertial Frames

  1. Introduction
  2. Narrative Sections
  3. Figure Sections

  1. Introduction:

    In this insert, we explicate the basics of inertial frames: correctly, clearly, concisely---the last only in a sense.

    Our discussion mostly assumes the classical limit where Newtonian physics applies and relativistic effects are vanishingly small. Occasionally, relativistic effects are mentioned, but a full discussion of them is beyond our scope.

    Some terms from Newtonian physics and astronomy have to be introduced without explanation or much thereof. If one tries to explicate everything all at once, the explications goes on forever. To some degree, one just has to swim in Newtonian physics and astronomy.

    In order to have an undistracted concise explication, we have put this explication in the Narrative Sections which have NO figures. Following the Narrative Sections, we have the Figure Sections which complement/supplement the Narrative Sections.

  2. Narrative Sections:

    1. Reference Frames

      A reference frame is a coordinate system used for describing locations and motions of (physical) objects in space.

      Usually (including in the astrophysical realm), the coordinate system is attached to some kind of object (in the astrophysical realm, an astronomical object).

      For an example of a reference frame for spacetime, see below the figure section An Illustration of a Spacetime Reference Frame.

      REST OF THIS part need RECONSTRUCTION A reference frame is just a coordinate system (or some simpler kind of reference system if you want to think that way) that one lays on all space or some subset of all space.

      It allows you to locate objects in space and describe their motion (in physics jargon, their kinematics).

      Usually, there is a specified origin for a reference frame.

      There are infinitely many reference frames that one can use: they can have different origins, different kinds of coordinates (e.g., Cartesian coordinates, spherical coordinates), and be in any kind of motion.

      See the figure below (local link / general link: frame_reference_spacetime.html) for an example reference frame which includes a time coordinate.

      Reference frames can be just geometrical descriptions or they can be attached to some physical object, and/or have a definite physical nature which is the case for inertial frames most importantly of all.

    2. A First Word on Inertial Frames:

      There is a special class of reference frames that have definite physical nature: inertial frames. They are NOT just arbitrarily defined coordinate systems in space.

      Almost all physical laws are referenced to inertial frames. By referenced, we mean locations and motions of particles, objects, system, etc. in formulae that embody those physical laws must be relative to inertial frames in order for those physical laws to be obeyed.

      Note that such physical laws are NOT wrong in non-inertial frames because they are NOT defined relative to them.

    3. The Prime Exception:

      The prime exception to the rule that physical laws are referenced to inertial frames is general relativity (presented 1915 by Albert Einstein (1879--1955)) which tells us what inertial frames are in our modern understanding. There was an older understanding in Newtonian physics in the orginal sense due to Isaac Newton (1643--1727) which discuss in a narrative section below???.

      Are there other exceptions? Yours truly is NOT really sure. It may be a matter of perspective. For example, 2nd law of thermodynamics is thought to hold in almost any imagined world no matter what its physics. But in the actual world, it seems likely that one would only apply it relative to inertial frames.

      Here is an incomplete list the the physical laws and/or physics theories which must be referenced to inertial frames: Newtonian physics (in our modern understanding), classical electromagnetism, special relativity, quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, quantum field theory, etc.

    4. A Key Example Physical Law:

      A key example physical law that must be referenced to inertial frames is that the vacuum light speed c = 2.99792458*10**5 km/s ≅ 2.998*10**5 km/s ≅ 3*10**5 km/s ≅ 1 ft/ns is the fastest physical speed relative to all local inertial frames. Points to explicate:

      1. "Local" in this context means right where the measurement is done.
      2. Any local reference frame NOT accelerated relative to a local inertial frame is also an inertial frame. This point usually goes without mention---one should just know it.
      3. The fastest physical speed means the highest speed at which energy, and information of any sort can travel relative to a local inertial frame. There can be superluminal speeds in other meanings as is discussed in IAL 6: Electromagnetic Radiation: The Fastest Physical Speed.
      4. The vacuum light speed is invariant to all local inertial frame observers. They all measure the same value no matter how they (i.e., their inertial frames) are moving. This leads to the some of the weirdnesses of special relativity as discussed in IAL 6: Electromagnetic Radiation: The Fastest Physical Speed and IAL 25: Black Holes: Special Relativity.

    5. All Frames Can Be Inertial Frames:

      Luckily, all reference frames at least on sufficiently small scales in space and time (i.e., spacetime in relativity speak) can be inertial frames if you choose to regard them as such by invoking inertial forces (which we explicate in narrative sections below???) when NEEDED. Inertial forces account for accelerations relative free-fall inertial frames (which we explicate in narrative sections below???).

      Inertial forces are sometimes called fictitious forces, but yours truly deprecates that term because inertial forces act just like gravity on sufficiently small scales. It is an axiom of general relativity that inertial forces and gravity have a fundamental likeness.

      So using inertial forces is NOT a trick, it is a perspective that may be taken if it is convenient to do so. There are important cases where it is convenient. We consider some in narrative sections below???.

    6. Free-Fall Inertial Frames:

      When we say inertial frame without qualification, we usually mean free-fall inertial frame.

      The other case is a non-inertial frame converted to an inertial frame by the introduction of inertial forces. We discuss converted inertial frames and inertial forces in narrative sections below????

    7. Free-Fall Inertial Frames Further Explicated:

      To explicate further explicate free-fall inertial frames, let's first limit the discussion to reference frames defined by objects. Trying to discuss reference frames that are just arbitrary coordinate systems in space is tedious and, in yours truly's opinion, pretty useless at the level of this insert.

      First, general relativity dictates that a point in free fall in a gravitational field defines a free-fall inertial frame: i.e., an inertial frame that moves with the point.

      Second, consider a physical system on which the only external force acting is gravity. The center of mass (i.e., the mass-weighted mean position) of the physical system is in exact free fall as dictated by Newtonian physics.

      So the center of mass (or a point at rest with respect to it) defines the origin for a free-fall inertial frame for the physical system.

      Below we will consider 3 important examples of free-fall inertial frames. For the sake of conciseness, we them weightless free-fall inertial (WFFI) frames (section Weightless Free-Fall Inertial (WFFI) Frames, center-of-mass free-fall inertial (COMFFI) frames, (section Center-of-Mass Free-Fall Inertial (COMFFI) Frames, and ground free-fall inertial frames (GFFI) frames (section Ground Free-Fall Inertial Frames (GFFI) Frames).

    8. Absolute Rotation and Rotation Relative to the Observable Universe:

      An important point about free-fall inertial frames is that they do NOT rotate with respect to the observable universe (i.e., to the bulk mass-energy of observable universe) and therefore do NOT rotate with respect to each other (see Wikipedia: Inertial frame of reference: General relativity).

      The last statement shows that there is an absolute rotation at least in observable universe.

      Yours truly likes to specify absolute rotation by saying "rotation relative to the observable universe". However, a more conventional expression meaning the same thing for most purposes is "rotation relative to the fixed stars". The fixed stars are just the stars you see at night. Over sufficiently short time scales, they have negligible rotation relative to the observable universe as seen from the Earth, and so for these time scales the two statements in quotes are synonyms. Historically (i.e., up to as late as circa 1920 by some people), the fixed stars were considered fixed on average in absolute space (which does NOT exist: see narrative section Absolute Space Does Not Exist), and so the two statements meant exactly the same thing historically.

      In modern times, one can use the fixed stars to measure absolute rotation approximately. For more exact measurements, one uses distant extragalactic sources, mainly quasars (see Wikipedia: International Celestial Reference Frame).

    9. Absolute Space Does Not Exist:

      Isaac Newton (1643--1727) posited there was an absolute space in which the fixed stars (which were all the stars) were at rest at least on average.

      Absolute space was the single fundamental inertial frame.

      All reference frames NOT accelerated relative to absolute space were also inertial frames.

      The theory of absolute space continued to be held by some up to the 1920s. The observational discovery of the expanding universe in 1929 by Edwin Hubble (1889--1953) and its theoretical understanding in terms of the Friedmann-equation (FE) models derived from general relativity caused absolute space to be discarded.

    10. Comoving Frames:

      Are there fundamental inertial frames?

      Yes. They are reference frames that participate in the mean expansion of the universe and they are called comoving frames.

      The centers of mass of field galaxies and galaxy groups and clusters approximately coincide with comoving frames.

      Furthermore, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is isotropic when viewed in a comoving frame. In non-comoving frames, the CMB is distorted by a direction-varying Doppler shift due to the motion of that non-comoving frame relative to the local comoving frame.

      For observers on Earth, this direction-varying Doppler shift is called CMB dipole anisotropy (see Wikipedia: CMB dipole anisotropy; Caltech: Description of CMB Anisotropies). The CMB dipole anisotropy is further explicated below in the figure section The CMB Dipole Anisotropy

      Now the comoving frames are free-fall inertial frames, but there are two qualifications:

      1. The comoving frames CANNOT be fully derived from Newtonian physics. They arise from the Friedmann-equation (FE) models which are derived from the Friedmann equation which is derived from general relativity.

      2. The comoving frames are in free fall under gravity, but also an effect that causes the acceleration of the universe. Currently, that effect is hypothesized to be either the cosmological constant or a constant dark energy. The two effects act the same in the Friedmann-equation (FE) models, but may be distinguishable in other contexts. It may be the neither of the two effects is the true cause of acceleration of the universe. Hopefully, we will find the true cause someday.

        The effect causing acceleration of the universe is usually unimportant on scales much less than that of the observable universe and is NOT usually mentioned unless it is of importantance to an analysis.

    11. Weightless Free-Fall Inertial (WFFI) Frames:

      The simplest free-fall inertial frames to consider are reference frames in free fall under in a uniform external gravitational field with negligible internal gravitational field.

      Because of the negligible internal gravitational field, the objects in these free-fall inertial frames are weightless: hence the description weightless free-fall inertial (WFFI) frames.

      Examples of WFFI frames include spacecraft coasting or orbiting in outer space or a falling elevator in vacuum. In both cases, to be exact, it is the center of mass (i.e., the mass-weighted mean position) that is in exact free fall since internal forces cancel out for its motion due to Newton's 3rd law of motion. So the center of mass (or a point at rest with respect to it) is the most accurate choice for the origin of a WFFI frame.

      However, if a physical structure defining a WFFI frame is massive compared to objects it contains and rigid, then any point in the structure could be used for the origin of the inertial frame.

      Note that in WFFI frames, everything is weightless because everything is in free fall (when not acted by forces other than gravity), NOT because gravity is zero or negligible in general. For example, in the low-Earth-orbit the gravitational field of the Earth is only slightly smaller than it is on the Earth's surface. However, a spacecraft and its contents are perpetually free falling toward the Earth, but they keep missing the Earth because they have a sideways velocity: in physics jargon, they have angular momentum. Literally, being in a non-escape orbit is to be perpetually free falling because you keep missing the orbited astro-body.

      For an illustration of WFFI frame, see below figure section An Illustration of Weightless Free-Fall Inertial (WFFI) Frames.

    12. Center-of-Mass Free-Fall Inertial (COMFFI) Frames:

      The concept of center-of-mass free-fall inertial (COMFFI) frames is actually very general. The WFFI frames of narrative section Weightless Free-Fall Inertial (WFFI) Frames are a special case of COMFFI frames.

      However, the concept of COMFFI frames is most obviously applied to astrophysical systems consisting multiple astro-bodies that can individually be considered as point masses. Such systems are the subject of celestial mechanics and N-body simulations.

      For COMFFI frames, the net external gravity determines the motion of center of mass (AKA barycenter in this context).

      If the COMFFI frames under consideration is sufficiently well isolated from other systems, only the internal gravitational fields are important for the motions relative to the barycenter.

      If it is NOT, then the tidal force of those other systems must be considered. A chosen COMFFI frame is most useful when the tidal forces are small or negligible.

      More details on COMFFI frames are given the below figure section Hierarchy of Center-of-Mass Free-Fall Inertial Frames (COMFFI Frames) Illustrated.

    13. Rotating Frames:

      By rotating frames, we those rotating observable universe.

      Rotating frames are non-inertial frames, but simple ones.

      Every small region in them over a short enough time scale is a simple non-inertial frame, but over all they are a continuum of such simple non-inertial frame.

      Nevertheless, they can be converted to inertial frames easily in the classical limit by invoking two special inertial forces: the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force.

      The centrifugal force is that "force" that tries to throw you off carnival centrifuges. In the rotating frame it is an outward pointing body force trying to throw every bit of you outward and a real force has to be exerted on you to hold you in position. From the perspective of the approximate inertial frame of the ground (i.e., a GFFI frame: see narrative section Ground Free-Fall Inertial Frames Frames below), you are just trying to move at a uniform velocity in a straight line per Newton's 1st law of motion.

      The Coriolis force is a bit trickier and arise when you have velocity relative to rotating frames.

      Both the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force are important in understanding the internal motions of planets and stars which are always rotating frames.

      More details on on rotating frames are given below in the figure section Rotating Frames Explicated.

      For an important example of the centrifugal force at work, see below the figure section The Centrifugal Force on the Earth.

      For important example of the Coriolis force at work, see below the figure section The Coriolis Force on the Earth.

    14. Ground Free-Fall Inertial Frames (GFFI) Frames:

      One of the things that is obvious is that the ground anywhere on Earth is NOT in free fall in the way you ordinarily think of free fall.


      For an example of a picturesque GFFI) Frame, see the below figure section An Example of a Picturesque Ground Free-Fall Inertial (GFFI) Frame.

    15. This part need RECONSTRUCTION: don't read.

      But every is NOT so hard since, in fact, any reference frame on a sufficiently small scale in space and time (i.e., in spacetime) is an inertial frame if you choose to analyze it as an inertial frame.

      If choose NOT, then that is because you can analyze it as an accelerated reference frame relative to some other reference frame analyzed as an inertial frame.

      Accelerated reference frames in the sense just used are non-inertial frames.

      Usually ovewhelming convenience in analysis dictates whether to analyze a reference frame as an inertial frame or a non-inertial frames.

      You need some experience with special cases to know how to make the convenient choice for analysis---but that is what introductory physics courses are for.

  3. Figure Sections:

    1. An Illustration of a Spacetime Reference Frame:

    2. The CMB Dipole Anisotropy:

    3. An Illustration of Weightless Free-Fall Inertial (WFFI) Frames:

    4. Hierarchy of Center-of-Mass Free-Fall Inertial Frames (COMFFI Frames) Illustrated:

    5. Rotating Frames Explicated:

    6. The Centrifugal Force on the Earth:

    7. The Coriolis Force on the Earth:

    8. Foucault's Pendulum:

    9. An Example of a Picturesque Ground Free-Fall Inertial (GFFI) Frame:

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