Magnitude to Intensity Ratio Conversion Table

The following table can be used to convert from a magnitude difference to an intensity ratio. For clarity negative signs have been left out. You-all just have to remember that the object with the smaller magnitude corresponds to the brighter object in a ratio of brighter over fainter.

Recall the magnitude system base is 2.5118864315095801..., and thus a magnitude difference of 1 converts to an intensity ratio of the base.

Magnitude Difference Intensity Ratio
0.0 1.00000 0.1 1.09648 0.2 1.20226 0.3 1.31826 0.4 1.44544 0.5 1.58489 0.6 1.73780 0.7 1.90546 0.8 2.08930 0.9 2.29087 1.0 2.51189 1.1 2.75423 1.2 3.01995 1.3 3.31131 1.4 3.63078 1.5 3.98107 1.6 4.36516 1.7 4.78630 1.8 5.24807 1.9 5.75440 2.0 6.30957 2.1 6.91831 2.2 7.58578 2.3 8.31764 2.4 9.12011 2.5 10.00000 2.6 10.96478 2.7 12.02264 2.8 13.18257 2.9 14.45440 3.0 15.84893 3.1 17.37801 3.2 19.05461 3.3 20.89296 3.4 22.90868 3.5 25.11886 3.6 27.54229 3.7 30.19952 3.8 33.11311 3.9 36.30781 4.0 39.81072 4.1 43.65158 4.2 47.86301 4.3 52.48075 4.4 57.54399 4.5 63.09573 4.6 69.18310 4.7 75.85776 4.8 83.17638 4.9 91.20108 5.0 100.00000 5.1 109.64782 5.2 120.22644 5.3 131.82567 5.4 144.54398 5.5 158.48932 5.6 173.78008 5.7 190.54607 5.8 208.92961 5.9 229.08677 6.0 251.18864 6.1 275.42287 6.2 301.99517 6.3 331.13112 6.4 363.07805 6.5 398.10717 6.6 436.51583 6.7 478.63009 6.8 524.80746 6.9 575.43994 7.0 630.95734 7.1 691.83097 7.2 758.57758 7.3 831.76377 7.4 912.01084 7.5 1000.00000 7.6 1096.47820 7.7 1202.26443 7.8 1318.25674 7.9 1445.43977 8.0 1584.89319 8.1 1737.80083 8.2 1905.46072 8.3 2089.29613 8.4 2290.86765 8.5 2511.88643 8.6 2754.22870 8.7 3019.95172 8.8 3311.31121 8.9 3630.78055 9.0 3981.07171 9.1 4365.15832 9.2 4786.30092 9.3 5248.07460 9.4 5754.39937 9.5 6309.57344 9.6 6918.30971 9.7 7585.77575 9.8 8317.63771 9.9 9120.10839 10.0 10000.00000