Daniel ast103_12a: Planetary Atmospheres: Supplement

Keywords, Images, Videos:

  1. Videos:
    1. Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS or on YouTube (Wikipedia: YouTube) Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS with poorer quality. Pretty spectacular. A time-lapsed set of images from the International Space Station (ISS). The astronauts see the rolling by of the Earth much more slowly, and, of course, they don't see aurora and thunderstorms all the time. This is how Superman or Zeus might see world. Ordinarily too long for the classroom with a long load time, but it might make a good opening or closing video
    2. Aurora Australis from near McMurdo Station and Scott Base Nifty to look at, but not terribly informative. OK for classroom.
    3. Casino Royal
    4. In agua caliente I think those are just bits of paper. They should have about the same density as water so that they would float neutrally, neither rising or sinking in still water. The Spanish make the best convection videos. Short enough for classroom.
  2. albedo:
  3. aurora
  4. convection: Atmospheric circulation, Hadley cell, Jovian band structure Ferrell cell, polar vortices, Venusian circulation
  5. carbon cycle: carbon (C), carbon dioxide (CO_2).

  6. Earth: diffuse sky radiation: Why the sky is blue, Earth's atmosphere, solar wind, stratosphere.
  7. magnetosphere: Earth's magnetic field, Earth's magnetosphere.
  8. greenhouse effect: greenhouse gas
  9. climate: anticyclones, Coriolis effect, weather.
  10. prevailing winds: tropical east trade winds, Westerlies, polar easterlies, cyclones, anticyclones, tropical cyclones, hurricane.
  11. water cycle
  12. climate change: global warming (AKA anthropogenic climate change)
  13. Sun: Life phases, Sun's life phases
  14. ice age:
  15. Milankovich cycles Earth's axial tilt, current ice age (Quaternary ice age), current ice age, interglacial, glacial period, Quaternary glaciation,
  16. outgassing: atmospheric escape, impactors
  17. Moon: Mercury, Mercury's atmosphere, Moon's atmosphere.
  18. Mars: Martian atmosphere, Martian climate, Martian dust, Martian seasons.
  19. Martian polar caps
  20. Venus: Future of the Earth, runaway greenhouse effect Venusian atmosphere, Rampino, M. R. & Caldiera, K. 1994, ARAA, 32, 83-114, The Goldilocks Problem: Climatic Evolution and Long-Term Habitability of Terrestrial Planets, Wikipedia: Future of Earth: Climate Impact,
  21. ozone O_3 ozone (O_3) ozone layer
  22. Penulum:
  23. solar wind
  24. stratosphere
  25. volcano: aerosol, impactors, particulates.