Oscillating pendulum, showing acceleration and velocity.

Academic Success Center

Feeling overwhelmed? In need of strategy? Want to make new friends?

The Academic Success Center has help for you:

  1. Academic Success Coaching:

    Drop-in hours: M--T, 8 am to 2 pm or see the inconsistent set of hours at Tutoring---and no I don't why they advertize different hours in different places.

    Location: Drop-in tutoring lab (second floor, Lied Library).

    Academic Success Coaches can help with:

    1. Time management skills.
    2. Study skills
    3. Goal setting.
    4. Transitioning academically from high school to college.
    5. And much more! e.g., your hook shot.

    Note: Drop-ins are typically 15 minutes. A follow-up appointment may be necessary

  2. workshops to set you up for academic success:

    See workshops.

  3. Remember tempus fugit, carpe diem, in vino veritas, and horologium tickum.

    Date and time: .