Caption: A Hubble diagram of galaxies for the very local universe out to ∼ 25 Mpc.
The data points should according to theory all lie on the line defined by the theoretical Hubble's law:
v = H_0*r ,where v is recession velocity conventionally measured in kilometers per second (km/s), r is (cosmological) proper distance conventionally measured in megaparsecs (Mpc), H_0 is the Hubble constant which has modern fiducial values of 70 (km/s)/Mpc.
Proper distance is true phyiscal distance which in principle can be measured at one instant in time with rulers.
Hubble constant H_0 is the rate of universal expansion per unit proper distance. It is only a constant in space, NOT in time.
When we speak of Hubble's law for general cosmic time, we call the coefficient in Hubble's law the Hubble parameter to indicate that it changes with cosmic time.
In general, they must be obtained from a cosmological model fitted to observations.
At present, the favored model is the Λ-CDM model.
The plot in figure is an observational Hubble diagram.
The given Hubble diagram calls redshift velocity "Redshift" for some reason.
Redshift is a direct observable since z is.
z = (λ_observed-λ_rest_frame)/λ_rest_frame ,where λ_observed is the observed wavelength and λ_rest_frame is the rest-frame wavelength which is known for spectral lines.
The redshift is due to two effects:
The peculiar velocities may be negligible at even smaller redshift velocities depending on which astronomical objects you are observing.
v_red = H_0*r_observable which if one knows what one means can be just written v = H_0*r .This formula in standard cosmological models (Friedmann-Lemaitre models which include the Λ-CDM model) can be used to determine H_0 with a relative error of order z for the cosmological redshift.
So if you want to know Hubble constant H_0 to 1 % accuracy, you have to use objects at z ≤ 0.01.
Unfortunately, peculiar velocities can cause errors of order up to ∼ 30 % for z ≤ 0.01 as we know from the discussion above.
Fortunately, the peculiar velocities can be corrected for to some degree, and so nowadays fairly accurate values for the local Hubble constant are possible.
One also has account for errors in measuring the distance values.
The 1st-order in small cosmological redshift Hubble's law is exactly accurate for exactly homogeneous Friedmann-Lemaitre models.
But the real observable universe is NOT exactly homogeneous. It is believed to be so average over large enough scales which may have to ∼ 1 Gpc since the largest structures are of that size scale (see Wikipedia: Large quasar group).
Determinations of the Hubble constant from Hubble diagrams may give us accurate local Hubble constant. but NOT the true global average Hubble constant.
Fortunately, there are ways of measuring the global average Hubble constant.
We won't go into them here.
Alas, determining them to higher accuracy is a very challenging problem.
But people are working on this problem
Still getting to consensus values of 1 % accuracy may take years, decades.