Nicolaus Copernicus (1473--1543)
Copernicus is, of course, the person who introduced the heliocentric
view of the solar system.
The original edition of his book is
Copernicus, N. 1543, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
(Nuremburg: Johannes Petreius).
Copernicus iconography site of Robert Derome,
University de Quebec a Montreal.
Extremely useful site, except that no mention of the status of
the on-web image is given: copyrighted, public domain, unknown?
- Copernicus
The St. Andrews History of Mathematics Archive.
Some of the images are now broken links. I've come to the
conclusion that without some clear statement of permission to
use or of public domain status, I've no clear right to show those images.
Historical originals are uncopyrighted, of course, but
reproduced images may be copyrighted and even if not, someone might
feel agrieved that they circulate on the web.
The images linked by thumbnails are legitimate to use for personal
educational purposes with credit or are public domain.
The thumbnail link gives the credit and link to the source if needed.
Based on the Torun portrait of Copernicus.
Copernicus' problem.
Early Copernicans. Not exhaustive or authentic likenesses.
Venus at Maximum Elongation.
Given the heliocentric hypothesis for all the planets, including
Earth as a planet, it follows that you can determine the relative
distances of the solar system. The inner planet radii are determined
as in this figure. The outer planet radii take a bit more trigonometry,
but they can be found easily enough
- Copernicus astronomer
Obviously a composite picture of the Torun portrait and
a Copernican diagram. Credit: ????; download site: ????
Copernicus pious
Portrait from the ephitaphium in st. John basilique in Torun, cira 1580.
Download site:
Copernicus iconography site of Robert Derome.
Copernicus physician
It is a portrait (woodcut) from before 1584 by Tobias Stimmer.
Download site:
St. Andrews Copernicus biography.
- Portrait from the Jan Matejko's painting
It comes from the end of the 19th century.
Download site:
St. Andrews Copernicus biography.