UNLV WebCampus / Canvas Notices
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- 2020aug19: Start of Semester Reminders
As we begin a semester that is sure to bring new challenges, we wanted to remind you of a few new features and helpful resources to help you in using WebCampus this semester.
New Features
Several new WebCampus features are available, including modifying individual course notifications, bulk-editing of assignment availability and due dates, direct share - the ability to copy individual content items between courses and share content with other UNLV faculty, and limiting the number of attempts for assignments. Please see the summary of all new featuresLinks to an external site. for additional details.
New Math Editor
A new math editor EquatiO has been added to WebCampus. EquatiO has extensive equation and scientific formula creation capabilities and is highly accessible. For more information about how to insert a math equation in Canvas, visit support page for instructorsLinks to an external site. and studentsLinks to an external site..
Start of Semester Checklist & Course Availability
For useful tips on making sure courses and your devices are ready for the new semester, please review the Instructor Start of Semester ChecklistLinks to an external site. or the Student Start of Semester ChecklistLinks to an external site.. While courses are available to students one week prior to the start of the semester, instructors may unpublish their courses while updating materials. Until the course is publishedLinks to an external site., it will not be visible on students' dashboards.
Get Help: Open Labs, Workshops, and IT Help Desk
Our WebCampus support siteLinks to an external site. contains useful tipsheets, quick guides, training and information on how to get help with CanvasLinks to an external site.. You can self-enroll in on-demand/onlineLinks to an external site. training and orientation courses. Instructors can also register for virtual workshopsLinks to an external site.. Check the schedule for new offerings.
The IT Help Desk is also available for support. Please note our hours and locations as well as procedures for receiving in-person support have changed. For more information, please visit the IT Help Desk web pageLinks to an external site..
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