Computer tricks, kludges, fixes, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1) Microsoft explorer doesn't refresh pdf files. ``Every upgrade begins as a downgrade---and with Microsoft, it's not just a beginning a) Browser upgrade open new window then refresh used to work, but it's been ``fixed''. Try same thing witht refresh on the upgrade menu. Seemed to work once or maybe it was just microsoft's slow automated update. b) c) (Well this html program doesn't work for me. See astintoh refreshpdf.html It doesn't refresh my tmp file.) I am editing latex on my Windows Vista systems. Which I am using pdflatex to generate pdf file constantly. My pdf viewer is Adobe Acrobat Professional 7, I have to close and open the same file each time to get the new look. Is there any way to keep the pdf viewer refreshing the pdf pages once it changed? Thanks. pdf refresh viewer link|improve this question asked Sep 13 '11 at 11:44 Lei 184 feedback 1 Answeractive oldest votes up vote 2 down vote The viewer does not regularly check changes on disk, so short answer: no (unfortunately) You could however, use your browser to see the pdf file, inside your own html 'webpage' that regularly refreshes the page using javascript. this is how (including buttons for switching between manual and automatic refreshing): my pdf
Just save this code as e.g. 'pdfrefresher.html' in the same folder as your pdf. As src of the embed object you use only the filename, e.g. 'myPdfFile.pdf' (not disk or directory). In the code, you can adjust the width and height of the embedded object and the timeout (in milliseconds). link|improve this answer edited Sep 13 '11 at 12:45 answered Sep 13 '11 at 11:46 Remi 1,465312 It's a good solution, however, it keeps refresh the screen. How can I set it only refresh after changing? . Lei Sep 13 '11 at 12:24 I'll add a button, moment please . Remi Sep 13 '11 at 12:35 Done. I put a button to do manual refresh (which is just somewhat easier than re-opening your document in Adobe viewer). Checking for change is another topic; you can perhaps more easily set the timing interval equal to the interval at which your pdf changes? . Remi Sep 13 '11 at 12:50 thanks for the help. . Lei Sep 13 '11 at 13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% removing badly named file irst list bad file with inode e.g. $ ls -il Output 14071947 -rw-r--r-- 1 znajeeb dba 0 2010-01-27 15:49 \-®Å Note: 14071947 is inode number. Now Use find command to delete file by inode: $ find . -inum 14071947 -exec rm -f {} \; It will find that bad file and will remove it with force i.e remove without prompt. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%