Computers, Computation, and Web Links

The following are links to good computer and web pages that I've found useful. I havn't looked very hard.

  1. Fortran: It is not a dead computer language. It is a very good language for computation.

    1. A FORTRAN Tutorial: Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering. Good too. Course notes to work oneself up to steam. Links to other good fortran sources including fortran90.
    2. Professional Programmer's Guide to Fortran77 by Clive G. Page, University of Leicester. Looks good too.
    3. User Notes on Fortran Programming (UNFP) An open cooperative practical guide---fortran is NOT a dead language---and C's a load of horse manure. Seems dead now, but maybe it'll come back.

  2. High Performance Computing = HPC

    1. The Top 500 Computer Sites A consortion of the University of Mannheim, the University of Tennessee, and NERSC/LBNL present statistics on top computer performers. The most current list of top 500 computers is at

  3. HTML = HyperText Mark-up Language

    1. Ian Graham's Web/HTML Documentation and Developer's Resource More complete than Kevin Werbach.
    2. Kevin Werbach's Bare Bones Guide to html The ASCII text version is short and sweet.

  4. Korn (K) Shell

    1. Homepage for Korn by the man himself: David Korn.
    2. Wikipedia Korn The quick explanation plus links.

  5. LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) and BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)

    1. Apple LAPACK and BLAS There is the usual complete bafflement motivation, but they do show how to link to vecLib which may (or may not) be the LAPACK and BLAS libraries.
    2. Netlib Repository This is at UTK (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) and ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory: LAPACK and BLAS. There is a LAPACK users guide which the true LAPACK reference (Anderson et al. 1999).
    3. Northwest Alliance for Computational Science & Engineering (NACSE) LAPACK site There is a catalog of LAPACK subprograms and examples.

  6. MPI: Message Passing Interface

    1. Peter Pacheco A blurb for his book and a link to his 1998 Guide to MPI which is really for C users. A fortran version of the guide is coauthored by Woo Chat Ming of the University of Hong Kong.

  7. TeX and LaTeX

    1. Ballance, Donald: An Introduction to LaTeX.
    2. CTAN: Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: CTAN is the authoritative collection of materials related to the TeX typesetting system. (That's the claim on their page anyway.)
    3. Kuijken, Konrad: A Guide to LaTeX. My old pal Konrad.
    4. LaTex Editor: With some useful links including a free long English introduction to LaTex.
    5. LateX by Examples Which is what the world badly needs.
    6. Roberts, Tony: LaTeX: from quick and dirty to style and finesse. See Environments.
    7. Standford Earth Sciences: Basic concepts for LaTeX typesetting system.

  8. Numerical

    1. Numerical Recipes Online: Sections as separate pdf files. Check Amazon books for reviews. It seems the discussions in the f77 book were not repeated in the f90 book, and so for study the f77 book is best. So it seems: after the intro the f90 book is a book of routines. No longer free online it seems.
    2. FORTRAN subroutines for random sampling without replacement, Bert F. Green, Jr, 1977

  9. PowerPoint

    1. University of Rhode Island Powerpoint tutorial
    2. Conferencing Resource: Ultimate Guide to PowerPoint on the Web

  10. vi: The Intrinsic UNIX Editor

    1. Using vi, the Unix Visual Editor Rick Ellis, University of Washington Computing & Communications.

  11. shred command in UNIX and related commands:
    1. dd: man dd totally unclear. See Wikipedia: dd (Unix) for not much more.
    2. scrub: man scrub at least the options are clear, the physics system know not scrub.
    3. shred: man shred unclear. See Wikipedia: shred. For practical information, see Linux shred command:
      1. shred -u filename: deletes file not just overwrites it.
  12. ZZZ: Stupid computer tricks

    1. computer tricks
    2. Setting DISPLAY to local host with bash This is for opening ghostview (gv) and xfig. The command is
        export DISPLAY="localhost:0.0" 

      But on my new DELL the command is accepted, no error message comes when gv or xfig is called, but no window is opened. What the heck.

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