User Notes on Fortran Programming (UNFP)
An open cooperative practical guide---fortran is NOT a dead
language---and C's a load of horse manure.
Seems dead now, but maybe it'll come back.
Netlib Repository This is at UTK (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) and ORNL
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory: LAPACK and BLAS. There is a LAPACK users guide which
the true LAPACK reference (Anderson et al. 1999).
Peter Pacheco A blurb for his book
and a link to his 1998 Guide to MPI which is really for C users.
A fortran version of the guide is coauthored by
Woo Chat Ming of the
University of Hong Kong.
CTAN: Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: CTAN is the
authoritative collection of materials related to the TeX typesetting system.
(That's the claim on their page anyway.)
Numerical Recipes Online: Sections as separate pdf files.
Check Amazon books for reviews.
It seems the discussions in the f77 book were not repeated in
the f90 book, and so for study the f77 book is best.
So it seems: after the intro the f90 book is a book of routines.
No longer free online it seems.