David J. Jeffery Department of Physics University of Nevada, Las Vegas Box 454002 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 U.S.A. Office Tel: 702-895-4050 Email: jeffery@physics.unlv.edu Office: Bigelow Physics Building, Rm 238 Homepage: http://www.physics.unlv.edu/~jeffery/ Departmental Tel: 702-895-3563 Departmental FAX: 702-895-0804 Departmental Email: chair@physics.unlv.edu Departmental Homepage: http://www.physics.unlv.edu/ 2003 October 5 Dear Dr. Halloran: Thanks for your information. I think my Mesopotamian astronomy page is unworthy to be linked to---I should link to yours as indeed I do. I just hacked my page together for my teaching needs when I cover the history of astronomy. It is pretty much an amateur effort. Sincerely David J. Jeffery