Grotrian Diagrams

David J. Jeffery

2013 January 1

Sections and Links

  1. Introduction
  2. Online Sources for Grotrian Diagrams
  3. Grotrian Diagrams

  1. Introduction
  2. Here yours truly puts online some useful Grotrian diagrams for which permission is obtained.

    There arn't many---only 1, in fact.

    What yours truly has done in other cases is simply made placeholder images to link directly to the images that are online.

    Most of these come from the book Partial Grotrian Diagrams of Astrophysical Interest, 1968 (Washington, D.C.: GPO) (hereafter Moore & Merrill (1968)) by Charlotte E. Moore (1898--1990) and Paul W. Merrill (1887--1961).

    This book's Grotrian diagrams have no permission to be shown it seems.

    Moore & Merrill (1968) is a publication of the US Government Printing Office (GPO). GPO publications are generally public domain: see GPO: Public Domain & Copyright Notice. However, those GPO publications with the a that material has been reprinted with permission of a copyright holder require the permission of the copyright holder for that material.

    Moore & Merrill (1968) has almost all material reprinted from a publication of the Carnegie Institution for Science (CIFS): see CIFS Monograph Series 610.

    So the Moore & Merrill (1968) Grotrian diagrams cannot be reproduced as far as yours truly knows.

    However, the diagrams are easily available and printable for free at the link Moore & Merrill (1968), but they shouldn't displayed by others online without some explict permission.

    Maybe they could be displayed under fair use, but it seems unlikely.

    Maybe someday there will be a general permission to display them, but until that day we can only link to Moore & Merrill (1968).

  3. Online Sources for Grotrian Diagrams
  4. It's surprising that there seem to be no great online sources for Grotrian diagrams.

    The following on the best I found so far.

    1. German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory A few Grotrian diagrams. All explicitly copyrighted with no obvious terms of use.
    2. Moore, C. E. & Merrill, P. W. 1968, Partial Grotrian Diagrams of Astrophysical Interest, 1968 (Washington, D.C.: GPO) A great collection of well-drawn figures that have been of great use over the decades---but it only has selection of most useful Grotrian diagrams and some of the data may be out of date or incomplete. Not public domain it seems. No explicit terms of use given.
    3. Wikimedia Commons: Category:Grotrian diagrams A very few Grotrian diagrams, but the terms of use are clear---where is the legion of Wik Warriors generating Grotrian diagrams for us?
    4. University of Wisconsin: Atomic Collisions Group: Stuff to Download A very few Grotrian diagrams. They are just called free, and I assume that means public domain. But it's not clear "free" applies to the Grotrian diagrams.

  5. Grotrian Diagrams
    1. Hydrogen, H, Z=1

      1. H I

      2. H I 2nd version

    2. Helium, He, Z=2

      1. He I

    3. Lithium, Li, Z=3

      1. Li I

    4. Carbon, C, Z=6

      1. C II

    5. Nitrogen, N, Z=7

      1. N II

    6. Oxygen, O, Z=8

      1. O I

    7. Sodium, Na, Z=11

      1. Na I

    8. Magnesium, Mg, Z=12

      1. Mg I

      2. Mg II

    9. Silicon, Si, Z=14

      1. Si II

    10. Sulfur, S, Z=16

      1. S II

    11. Calcium, Ca, Z=20

      1. Ca I

      2. Ca II

    12. Scandium, Sc, Z=21

      1. Sc II

    13. Titanium, Ti, Z=22

      1. Ti II

    14. Vanadium, V, Z=23

      1. V II

    15. Chromium, Cr, Z=24

      1. Cr II

    16. Manganese, Mn, Z=25

      1. Mn II

    17. Iron, Fe, Z=26

      1. Fe I

      2. Fe II

      3. Fe III

    18. Cobalt, Co, Z=27

      1. Co I

    19. Nickel Ni, Z=28

      1. Ni I

      2. Ni II