
  1. Here, we explicate the most basic of charged particles and neutral particles (i.e., particles with zero electric charge or neutral particles) among ordinary matter particles (i.e., baryonic matter particles).

    For a description of hydrogen (H-1) itself, see file atom_001_h_001.html. In that file, we also explicate the color of free electrons and free protons (i.e., electrons and protons NOT bound in larger structures: e.g., atoms, molecules, solids). The short answer: they're shiny.

  2. The most basic charged particles are protons with positive charge and electrons with negative charge.

  3. In fact protons and electrons both absolute value of electric charge equal to the elementary charge (e): protons have e and electrons have -e.

  4. Note e = 1.602 176 634*10**(-19) coulomb (C) exactly by modern definition. The coulomb is the standard macroscopic electric charge unit. The standard electric current unit is the familiar ampere (A) = 1 C/s, often abbreviated to amp.

  5. The most basic neutral particles are neutrons and photons. Photons are NOT considered to be matter particles since they have NO rest mass: i.e., they are massless particles.