Caption: Signature of John Hancock (1737--1793) on the engrossed or parchment copy of the Declaration of Independence.
The date of signing has been uncertain since the 18th century, but it may have been the 4th of July, 1776---Benjamin Franklin (1706--1790), John Adams (1735--1826), and Thomas Jefferson (1743--1826) all said it was the 4th, and would they lie to us?---don't answer that question (see United States Declaration of Independence: Signing).
Legible, but NOT printed---it's in an antique form of script called cursive---you-all have probably never heard of it.
Credit/Permission: William Stone,
(uploaded to Wikipedia
by Tim Packer (AKA User:TSP),
2006) /
Public domain.
Image link: Wikipedia.
Local file: local link: john_hancock.html.
File: Art file: