Aristotle of Stagira (384--322 BCE)


  1. Aristotle The University of St. Andrews MacTutor History of the Mathematics Archive.
  2. Aristotle Wikipedia.

Images whose use is dubious have been made into broken links. Images that are free for me to use are indicated by thumbnail versions.

  1. Aristotle clear Credit: ancient sculptor, modern credit???; download site The University of St. Andrews MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
  2. Aristotle fuzzy
  3. Aristotle in Raphael's School of Athens
  4. aristotle_supreme.png Aristotle the supreme authority.
  5. aristotle_cosmos.png A cartoon of the Aristotelian cosmos.
  6. stellar_parallax.png Stellar parallax explicated.
  7. sun_sphere.png A cartoon of the Eudoxon/Aristotelian model of the Sun spheres.