- Prof. Eddie Baron Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of Oklahoma 440 West Brooks, Rm 131 Norman, Oklahoma 73019 U.S.A. Email: baron@phyast.nhn.ou.edu Tel: 405-325-3961 x36215 University of Oklahoma Physics Eddie Baron ***************************************************************************
- Dr. Sergei I. Blinnikov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics 117259 Moscow, Russia Email: blinn@sai.msu.su ***************************************************************************
- Prof. David Branch Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of Oklahoma 440 West Brooks, Rm 131 Norman, Oklahoma 73019-2061 (? on the extension) U.S.A. Phone: (405) 325-3961 ext 36218 FAX: (405) 325-7557 email: branch@phyast.nhn.ou.edu University of Oklahoma Physics David Branch ***************************************************************************
- Prof. Adam Burrows Steward Observatory & Department of Astonomy University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85715, U.S.A. Email: aburrows@as.arizona.edu Tel: 520-621-4359 FAX: 01 520-621-1532 University of Arizona Astronomy ***************************************************************************
- Prof. Roger A. Chevalier Department of Astronomy University of Virginia P. O. Box 3818 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Tel: 804-924-4889 FAX: 804-924-3104 Email: rac5x@virginia.edu ***************************************************************************
- Prof.~Claes Fransson Stockholm Observatry S-133 36 Saltsjobaden SWEDEN Email: fransson@astro.su.se Stockholm Observatory Stockholm Observatory Supernova Research ***************************************************************************
- MIKE GUIDRY | | | Dept. Physics & Astronomy Theoretical and Comp. Physics Section | | University of Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratory | | Knoxville, TN 37996-1200 MS-6373, Building 6003 | | guidry@utk.edu Box 2008, Oak Ridge TN 37831-6373 | | 423-974-7810; 3342 (secretary) 423-574-4578; 4576 (secretary) | | Fax: 423-974-7843 Fax: 423-574-4745 | | | | URL: http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/guidry/index.html | ***************************************************************************
- Prof. Peter H. Hauschildt Professor of Astronomy Hamburger Sternwarte Universitaet Hamburg Gojenbergsweg 112 21029 Hamburg Phone: +49 40 42891 -4013/ -4111 Fax: +49 40 42891 4198 Email: peter.hauschildt@hs.uni-hamburg.de Peter Hauschildt ****************************************************************************
- Dr.~Peter H\"oflich Department of Astronomy University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 U.S.A. Email: pah@alla.as.utexas.edu Tel: 512-471-3397 Fax: 512-471-6016 Austin Astronomy Peter Hoeflich ****************************************************************************
- Jennifer & John Humphries 398 Third Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1S 2K7 Tel: 613-233-5442 Email: JHumphries@cbie.ca Canadian Bureau of International Education (CBIE) ****************************************************************************
- Mildred & Bill Humphries Tel: 519-348-9077 (Mitchell) Tel: 613-432-9740 (Garden Lake) ****************************************************************************
- David Jeffery 192 Elgin St. Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 3K3 CANADA Tel: 905-834-9812 2003jul--2004jun Prof. David Jeffery Department of Physics University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4002 U.S.A. Email: david.jeffery@unlv.edu Bldg: Bigelow Physics Building (BPB) MS: 4002 Rm: 238 Office Tel: 702-895-4050 Departmental Tel: (702) 895-3563 Departmental FAX: (702) 895-0804 David Jeffery 2001aug--2003may David Jeffery Physics Department Workman Center New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMT) 801 Leroy Place Socorro, NM 87801 Office Tel: 505-835-5610 Email: jeffery@kestrel.nmt.edu Office: Rm 349, Bldg. Workman Center Homepage: http://www.physics.nmt.edu/jeffery/jefferyfrontpage Departmental Tel: 505-835-5328 Departmental FAX: 505-835-5707 Departmental Email: physics@kestrel.nmt.edu NMT Physics 2000jul--2001may David Jeffery Physics Department Campus Box 8106 Idaho State University (ISU) Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8288 Phone (208) 282-2350 FAX (208) 282-4649 ISU Physics 1999aug--2000may David Jeffery Department of Physics and Astronomy Wiser-Patten Building Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) P.O. Box 71 1301 East Main Street Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132 MTSU physics 1998jul--1999may Prof.~David J.~Jeffery Department of Physics University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4002 U.S.A. September 1996--1998jul17 David J. Jeffery Physics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory M.S. 6372, Bldg. 6003 P.O.~Box 2008 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6372 U.S.A Email: jeffery@mail.phy.ornl.gov Hompage: http://www-cfadc.phy.ornl.gov/astro/dj/dj.html Group homepage: http://www-cfadc.phy.ornl.gov/ Office Tel.: 423-574-4707 Sec. Tel. (Fay Ownby): 423-574-4702 Sec.~Tel. (Althea Tate): 423-574-4576 FAX: 423-574-4745 Home Tel.: 423-220-9371 August 1995--August 1996 Prof. David J. Jeffery Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee 37235 U.S.A. Tel: 615-322-2455 Dept. Tel: 615-322-2828 FAX: 615-343-5162 Email: jeffery@ttau.phy.vanderbilt.edu April 1994--June 1995 David J. Jeffery Dept. d'Astronomia i Meteorologia Facultat de F\i sica Universitat de Barcelona Avda. Diagonal, 647 E-08028 Barcelona Spain Email: david@mizar.am.ub.es Dept. Tel: 34-3-4021125 FAX: 34-3-4021133 1991jun--1993sep David J. Jeffery Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics MS-19 60 Garden Street Cambridge, MA 02138 U.S.A. Telephone: 617-496-5203 FAX: 617-495-7467 E-mail: jeffery@cfa.harvard.edu 1988jan--1991may David Jeffery Department of Physics & Astronomy Nielsen Hall, Room 131 Norman, OK 73019-2061 Office Phone: (405) 325-3961 FAX: (405) 325-7557 1981sep--1988dec David Jeffery Physics & Astronomy Department McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8S 4M1 McMaster University Physics **************************************************************************
- Elizabeth Jeffery and Roland Meisel 190 Elgin St. Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 3K3 Canada Tel: 095-835-2291 Email: rollym@vaxxine.com **************************************************************************
- Steven Jeffery Jackson Station P.O. Box 57131 Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4W9 Tel: 905-572-9172 **************************************************************************
- Jean E. Jeffery 192 Elgin St. Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 3K3 CANADA Tel: 905-834-9812 **************************************************************************
- Prof.~Bob Kirshner Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics MS-19 60 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 U.S.A. email: kirshner@cfanewton.harvard.edu kirshner@mars.harvard.edu **************************************************************************
- Prof.~Victor H. S. Kwong, chair vhs@physics.unlv.edu **************************************************************************
- Prof.~Stephen Lepp Email: lepp@max.physics.unlv.edu **************************************************************************
- Prof. Richard McCray Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences \hskip .5in and JILA University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0440 U.S.A. email: dick@jila.colorado.edu email: http://apas.colorado.edu/faculty/mccray.html **************************************************************************
- Prof. Christopher F. McKee Department of Astronomy University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-3411 Email: cmckee@astro.berkeley.edu Tel: 510-642-0805 Dept. Tel: (510) 642-5275 FAX: (510) 642-3411 **************************************************************************
- Tony Mezzacappa Dr.~Anthony Mezzacappa Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. Box 2008, MS 6354 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6354 Full Name: ANTHONY MEZZACAPPA Phone Number: 423-574-6113 Fax Number: 423-576-8746 mezz@nova.phy.ornl.gov Office Tel.: 423-574-6113 **************************************************************************
- Prof.~Dimitri Mihalas Department of Astronomy University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1002 W.Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 U.S.A. *************************************************************************
- Full Name: Fay M. Ownby Email Alias: ownbyfm Email Address: ownbyfm@ornl.gov Phone Number: 423-574-4702 Fax Number: 423-574-4745 Postal Address: OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY PO BOX 2008 MS6372 OAK RIDGE TN 37831-6372 *************************************************************************
- Prof. Philip A. Pinto Asst. Professor/Astronomer Steward Observatory & Department of Astonomy University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85715, U.S.A. Email: Pinto@as.Arizona.edu Tel: 01 520-621-8678 FAX: 01 520-621-1532 Arizona Astronomy Phil Pinto **************************************************************************
- Prof.~Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente Dept.~d'Astronomia i Meteorologia Facultad de F\'\i sica Universitat de Barcelona Avda.~Diagonal, 647 E-08028 Barcelona SPAIN email: pilar@am.ub.es Barcelona Astronomy **************************************************************************
- Dr.~Didier Saumon Los Alamos **************************************************************************
- Dr. David R. Schultz Director, Controlled Fusion Physics Division Atomic Data Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory Group Leader, Atomic Physics Theory M.S. 6373, Bldg. 6003 schultz@mail.phy.ornl.gov P.O. Box 2008 (423) 576-9461 (voice) Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6373 (423) 574-4745 (FAX) ORNL Atomic Data Center **************************************************************************
- Prof. Paul D. Sheldon EMAIL: sheldon@vuhep.phy.vanderbilt.edu Vanderbilt University TEL: (615) 343-0484 (Office) Dept. of Physics and Astronomy (615) 343-6605 (Lab) Box 1807, Station B (==> Regular Mail) (615) 322-2828 (To Leave a Msg.) 5333 Stevenson Center (==> Street Address) (615) 343-7263 (Fax) Nashville, TN 37235 (630) 840-2183 (@Fermilab) *************************************************************************
- Prof.~David P. Shelton Tel: 702-895-3564 Home Tel: 702-361-5293 Email: shelton@physics.unlv.edu *************************************************************************
- Dr. Michael R. Strayer Head of Theoretical and Computational Physics Physics Division phone: (423) 574-4590 Oak Ridge National Laboratory fax: (423) 574-4745 Building 6003, MS 6373 secy: (423) 574-4576 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 email: strayermr@ornl.gov *************************************************************************
- Prof. Peter G Sutherland | (905) 529-7070 ext. 22616 GSB-114 Dean of Science | (905) 546-9995 FAX Physics & Astronomy Dept.| (905) 529-7070 ext. 23189 ABB-317A McMaster University | Hamilton, Ontario | (905) 525-6633 Home Canada L8S 4M1 | pgs@mcmaster.ca McMaster University Registrar Physics and Astronomy Astrophysics Canadian physics departments ***************************************************************************
- Taylor, Paul & Barbara 2215 Fitzgerald Ln., Knoxville, Tennessee 37931 Full Name: Paul Allen Taylor Email Alias: taylorpa Email Address: taylorpa@ornl.gov Phone Number: 423-574-1965 Fax Number: 423-576-4195 Postal Address: OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY PO BOX 2008 MS6044 OAK RIDGE TN 37831-6044 ***************************************************************************
- Prof.~David Weintraub Tel.: 615-322-5304 Email: david@ttau.phy.vanderbilt.edu ***************************************************************************
- Prof.~J.~Craig Wheeler Department of Astronomy University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 U.S.A. Email: wheel@alla.as.utexas.edu Tel: 512-471-6407 Austin Astronomy Craig Wheeler ***************************************************************************