ECG498 No-Penalty
Timeline (#2)
Each student has to show me
a working demo of the minimum requirements before Wednesday, Nov. 16.
Students not meeting theses goals will loose 10% from their final grade (i.e.
if you didn’t meet this deadline but you get your project to work on time and
end up with 95% you get an 85% in the course - one grade lower). If you
meet half the goals you will loose 5% instead of 10%. Note: This
is the minimum progress required not to loose points. If you are on
schedule you will have much more working than just the minimum requirements.
Auto Crash Avoidance System
Deadline #1
Simple micro code (blink LED,
use A/D, serial port to hyperterminal)
RF trans/rec
work across the lab
Voice IC
play a pre-recorded message
Accelerometer (changing
voltage with acceleration)
GPS data on PC (hyperterminal)
12V to 5V or 3.3V power
Deadline #2
Micro should digitize
acceleration and trigger above a threshold
Micro should control voice
chip and play back specific messages
Micro should read GPS info,
convert ASCII to numbers (Lon & Lat)
Micro should transmit data
and be received correctly on other micro
Dog Doo Detector
Deadline #1
Simple micro code (blink LED,
use A/D, serial port to hyperterminal)
RF trans/rec
work across the lab
Accelerometer (changing
voltage with acceleration)
IR sensor (changing voltage
with distance)
Working low voltage buzzer
Deadline #2
Micro should digitize
acceleration and trigger at correct angle
Micro should read IR distance
and trigger at correct distance
Micro should transmit data
and be received correctly on other micro
Car Sun Shade System
Deadline #1
Simple micro code (blink LED, use A/D)
Light sensor (changing
voltage with intensity)
Control of stepper motor and
driver (manually)
How to mount and balance
12V to 5V or 3.3V power
Deadline #2
Micro should digitize light
sensors and determine sun direction
Micro should move specific
motor to specific position (i.e. 0-90 deg)
Sun shade must be mounted to
motor for demo
Security Robot for the Home
Deadline #1
Simple micro code (blink LED, use A/D)
Robot chassis with camera
DC motor control /driver
circuit (speed/direction)
IR sensor (changing voltage
with distance)
RF trans/rec
work across the lab (video & data)
Microphone amp to few volts
PIR demo (detect movement and
Deadline #2
Robot should turn toward
Camera should come when
movement or sound is sensed
PC should display video and
data info from robot
Robot should move using IR
sensors to avoid obstacles
Hand Tracking System
Deadline #1
Simple micro code (use
timers, use A/D, serial port to hyperterminal)
IR sensor (changing voltage
with distance)
US amp and comparator (sound
to TTL)
Frame to hold US & IR
Deadline #2
Micro should read IR & US
distance from multiple sensors and send to PC
PC should display approximate
position of hand
Automatic Plant Watering System
Deadline #1
Simple micro code (blink LED,
use A/D, serial port for serial LCD)
Pump demo from 5V control
signal (maybe speed control)
Demo water level circuit
Demo moisture measuring
Parts for tank, pump, and
battery mounting
Deadline #2
Micro should light LED when
water level is low
Micro should digitize
moisture level and cycle pump as needed
Need to see pump move water
from tank to plant
Automatic Window Blinds
Deadline #1
Simple micro code (blink LED, use A/D)
IR rec/trans
for remote (>10. range)
Control of stepper motor and
driver (manually)
Light sensor (changing
voltage with distance)
Temp sensor (changing voltage
with temperature)
Deadline #2
Micro should digitize light
level and temperature
Micro must open and close
blinds depending on light & temp
Remote control must open
& close blinds
Wireless Power Meter for Solar Charging System
Deadline #1
Simple micro code (blink LED,
use A/D, serial port for serial LCD)
Circuit to measure voltage
and current (DC & 120VAC)
RF trans/rec
work across the lab (video & data)
LCD display (generic text)
Solar panel demo
Deadline #2
Trans must send current power
usage (or I & V)
Rec must display current power usage on LCD
LED’s must indicate which
source to use (Bat, solar, grid)
LED’s must indicate when
battery is being charged (demo charging)
EPA down-hole datalogger
Deadline #1
Working multi-channel A/D
Working multi-channel D/A demo
Method to output desired
Deadline #2
Must output square wave with
user defined freq & amp
Must digitize (16 bit) input
while outputting square wave
Must show me the datafile (preferably as a graph)
REM sleep detector
Deadline #1
Working amp and connections
to person (i.e. REM signals are a few volts)
Working way
to get data into PC (i.e. sound card, A/D, USB etc.)
Deadline #2
Must have REM signals
displayed or saved on a PC