Instructor Dr. Zygelman BPB 217, Phone 1321
Office Hours MWF BPB 227, 1:30-2:30 PM
Text: Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences,
Mary Boas
2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
Course Policy on Grading: We will have about three, in-class,
50 minute
exams and a 2-hour cumulative final. The final will determine
35 to 40
percent of the course grade, the remainder is determined by an average
of the
in-class exam grades. Class participation will also count toward your
final grade.
Course Outline:
Complex numbers
- Chapter 2
Functions of a complex variable
- Chapter 14
Fourier series
- Chapter 7
Ordinary differential eqs. I (ODE)
- Chapter 8
Ordinary differential eqs. II (ODE)
- Chapter 12
Partial differential eqs. (PDE)
- Chapter 13
Additional Topics if time permits
Vector Calculus - Chap. 6
Tensor Analysis - Chap. 10
Probability Theory - Chap. 16
We will also supplement class notes with Mathematica examples.
in Mathematica programming is not required.