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Abstract 1 for LAW 2006

Dear Victor,

Please find attached our main abstract for the Lab Astro Workshop.
Please let me know if further formatting is needed. Thanks,


P.S. Please note that I'm also submitting another abstract from Tan
and Salama in a separate email.

Attachment: %salama_law2006.tex
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% Sample abstract for submission to NASA LAW 2006.
% See page 181-183 of Leslie Lamport's LaTeX book (second edition)
% for more info.


\title{Laboratory Spectroscopy of Large Carbon Molecules and Ions in support of Space Missions. A New Generation of Laboratory \& Space Studies}

\author{Farid Salama, Xiaofeng Tan, Jan Cami, Ludovic Biennier and Jerome Remy\\ {\it NASA Ames Research Center, Space Science Division, Moffett Field, CA}}

\date{6 January 2006}


Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are an important and ubiquitous component of carbon-bearing materials in space. A long-standing and major challenge for laboratory astrophysics has been to measure the spectra of large carbon molecules in laboratory environments that mimic (in a realistic way) the physical conditions that are associated with the interstellar emission and absorption regions [1]. This objective has been identified as one of the critical Laboratory Astrophysics objectives to optimize the data return from space missions [2]. An extensive laboratory program has been developed to assess the properties of PAHs in such environments and to describe how they influence the radiation and energy balance in space. We present and discuss the gas-phase electronic absorption spectra of neutral and ionized PAHs measured in the UV-Visible-NIR range in astrophysically relevant environments and discuss the implications for astrophysics [1]. The harsh physical conditions of the interstellar medium - characterized by a low temperature, an absence of collisions and strong VUV radiation fields - have been simulated in the laboratory by associating a pulsed cavity ringdown spectrometer (CRDS) with a supersonic slit jet seeded with PAHs and an ionizing, penning-type, electronic discharge. We have measured for the {\it first time} the spectra of a series of neutral [3, 4] and ionized [5, 6] interstellar PAHs analogs in the laboratory. An effort has also been attempted to quantify the mechanisms of ion and carbon nanoparticles production in the free jet expansion and to model our simulation of the diffuse interstellar medium in the laboratory [7]. These experiments provide {\it unique} information on the spectra of free, large carbon-containing molecules and ions in the gas phase. We are now, for the first time, in the position to directly compare laboratory spectral data on free, cold, PAH ions and carbon nano-sized carbon particles with astronomical observations in the UV-NIR range (interstellar UV extinction, DIBs in the NUV-NIR range).  This new phase offers tremendous opportunities for the data analysis of current and upcoming space missions geared toward the detection of large aromatic systems i.e., the "new frontier space missions" (Spitzer, HST, COS, JWST, SOFIA,...).


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\noindent{\bf References}:
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% first reference on the blank line below
[1] F. Salama et al., in {\it Astrochemistry: From Laboratory Studies to Astronomical Observations} R. Kaiser et al. eds, AIP, in press (2006).
% second reference on the blank line below
[2] Laboratory Astrophysics White Paper,
{\it NASA/CP 211863} (2002).
% third reference on the blank line below
[3] Xiaofeng Tan and Farid Salama,
{\it J. Chem. Phys.} {\bf 123} (2005) 014312.
% fourth reference on the blank line below
 [4] Xiaofeng Tan and Farid Salama,
{\it J. Chem. Phys.} {\bf 122} (2005) 084318.
% fith reference on the blank line below
 [5] L. Biennier, F. Salama, L. Allamandola, J. Scherer,
{\it J. Chem. Phys.} {\bf 118} (2003) 7863.
% sixth reference on the blank line below
 [6] L. Biennier, F. Salama, M. Gupta, A. O'Keefe,
{\it Chem. Phys. Lett.} {\bf 387} (2004) 287.
% seventh reference on the blank line below
 [7] J. Remy, L. Biennier, F. Salama,
{\it Fourth Triennial Special Issue on Images in Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science.} {\bf 33} (2005) 554.

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\noindent{\bf Acknowledgments}:
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This work is supported by the NASA Astronomy and Physics Research and Analysis (APRA) Program of the Science Mission Directorate. This research was performed while X. Tan, J. Cami and L. Biennier held NRC awards at NASA-Ames Research Center and J. Remy a NASA/NOW internship at NASA-Ames. L. Biennier's current address is PALMS, Univ. Rennes 1, France; J. Remy's current address is: ESA Patent Office, The Hague, NL.
