Physics and Astronomy Course Descriptions

Undergraduate Degree Requirements


AST 100C
Topics in Astronomy: White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes
Traces the history of a star's evolution from its birth in interstellar gas and dust to its end as a placid white dwarf, fiery nova or supernova, or mysterious black hole. Emphasis upon the archetypical Crab Nebula surrounding the fastest known rotating neutron star. Recommended for non-science majors. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. 1 credit.

AST 103
Introductory Astronomy: The Solar System
A survey course at the beginning level which discusses the nearby objects of our solar system, the formation and evolution of planetary bodies and the exploration of space. A minimum of mathematics is required. Recommended for non-science majors. 3 credits.

AST 104
Introductory Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies
A survey course at the beginning level which discusses stellar systems and galaxies. Topics will include stellar evolution, formation of galaxies, and cosmology. A minimum of mathematics is required. Recommended for non- science majors. 3 credits.

AST 105
Introductory Astronomy Laboratory
Laboratory exercises in astronomy presented in the tradition of the amateur astronomer. Instruction will include observation of celestial objects as well as laboratory exercises to investigate the physical nature of astronomical objects. Instruction on the use of telescopes and the process of the scientific method will be presented. Recommended for non-science majors. Prerequisite: AST 103 or 104, or concurrent registration in one of these courses. 1 credit.

AST 190
Projects in Observational Astronomy
A project-oriented course to develop skills in observational astronomy. The material and experience gained will be quite helpful to those people interested in education or in astronomy. The use of high quality equipment such as cameras, photometers, telescopes, and heliostats will be emphasized. This is a laboratory course. Recommended for non-science majors. Prerequisite: AST 105 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

AST 301
Introduction to Astrophysics
Introduction to modern astrophysics. Discussion of matter and electromagnetic radiation, the physical processes in stars, galaxies, active galactic nuclei, and the large-scale structure of the Universe. Emphasis on applying physical principles and problem-solving techniques to astronomical situations. Prerequisite:PHY 180. 3 credits.

AST 470
Special Topics in Astrophysics
Advanced astrophysics. The course material will alternate among three topics: solar system astrophysics, stellar structure and evolution, and galactic dynamics. Emphasis will be placed on current areas of interest. Prerequisites: PHY 180, 181,182, and 411. 3 credits.


PHY 120
Introduction to Einstein's Spacetime
Algebra-based exploration of Einstein's theory of Special Relativity covering time dilation, length contraction, the addition of velocities, the Lorenz transformation, the Twin Paradox, Minkowski space-time diagrams, and other topics, time permitting. The beauty and consistency of Special Relativity emphasized. 3 credits.

PHY 151-152
General Physics
A course in general physics intended primarily for students in liberal arts, medicine, and the biological sciences. Lecture and laboratory exercises in mechanics, heat, electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: MAT 128 or equivalent, or placement test. 4 credits each.

PHY 180
Engineering Physics I I
Lectures on Newtonian mechanics. Rectilinear motion, particle dynamics, work and energy, momentum and collisions, rotational mechanics, oscillations, wave motion, and gravitation. Prerequisite: MAT 181. 3 credits.

PHY 180L
Engineering Physics I Laboratory
Laboratory exercises in Newtonian mechanics. Rectilinear motion, particle dynamics, work and energy, momentum and collisions, rotational mechanics, oscillations, wave motion, and gravitation. Corequisite: PHY 180. 1 credit.

PHY 181
Engineering Physics II
Lectures on electromagnetism. Coulomb's law, electric and magnetic fields, Gauss' law, potential, capacitance, current and resistance, electromotive force, inductance, motion of charged particles, introduction to Maxwell's equations, and electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: PHY 180 and MAT 182. 3 credits.

PHY 181L
Engineering Physics II Laboratory
Laboratory exercises in electromagnetism, Coulomb's law, electric and magnetic fields, Gauss' law, potential, capacitance, current and resistance, electromotive force, inductance, motion of charged particles, introduction to Maxwell's equations, and electromagnetic waves. Corequisite: PHY 181. 1 credit.

PHY 182
Engineering Physics III
Lectures on fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and optics. Sound, temperature and thermometry, heat, gases, intermolecular forces, kinetic theory, entropy, nature of light, geometrical optics, physical optics including diffraction and interference, introduction to modern developments. Prerequisites: PHY 180 and MAT 182. 3 credits.

PHY 182L
Engineering Physics III Laboratory
Laboratory exercises in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and optics. Sound, temperature and thermometry, heat, gases, intermolecular forces, kinetic theory, entropy, nature of light, geometrical optics, physical optics including diffraction and interference, introduction to modern developments. Corequisite: PHY 182. 1 credit.

PHY 191
Directed Study
Individual projects under the direction of a faculty member. Department approval must be obtained prior to registration. Prerequisite: Three credits of physics. 1-3 credits.

PHY 411
Modem Physics I
Those aspects of quantum and statistical mechanics and relativity necessary to describe the changes in the physicist's world view wrought by revolutionary theories early in this century are developed. Prerequisites: PHY 181, PHY 181L, PHY 182, PHY 182L. 3 credits.

PHY 412
Modern Physics II
A continuation of the survey of twentieth century developments in physics. Topics include simple molecular quantum mechanics, quantum statistics, solids, superfluids and superconductors, nuclear processes and models, and elementary particle physics. Prerequisite: PHY 411. 3 credits.

PHY 413
Intermediate Laboratory I
Experimental investigation of a variety of phenomena involving the properties of electrons and their interactions with fields and matter, including selected quantum and wave mechanical effects. The experiments are designed to reinforce theory learned in previous courses and to develop laboratory techniques. Corequisite: PHY 411. 3 credits.

PHY 414
Intermediate Laboratory II
Further experimental investigations of phenomena in classical and modern physics. Emphasis is on problem solving, experimental technique, data analysis, and independent work. Students are encouraged to alter or extend the experiments and engage in projects. Prerequisite: PHY 413. 3 credits.

PHY 421-422
Electricity and Magnetism
Electrostatics, magnetic fields, and electromagnetism. Maxwell's equations, theory of metallic conduction, motion of charged particles, radiation. Prerequisite: PHY 181. 3 credits each.

PHY 423-424
Newtonian mechanics. Mathematical formulation of the dynamics of a particle and systems of particles, including applications to atomic physics. Mechanics of continuous media using Fourier series. Introduction to generalized coordinates and the methods of Lagrange and Hamilton. Prerequisite: PHY 180. PHY 423 is prerequisite for PHY 424.. 3 credits each.

PHY 431
Nuclear Physics
Survey of basic nuclear concepts and structure. Interactions between nuclear radiations and matter, nuclear reactions and decay, nuclear force, sub-atomic structure and models, symmetries and conservation laws. Normally taught in a self-paced format. Prerequisite: PHY 411. 3 credits.

PHY 441
Mathematical Physics
Application of selected mathematical techniques to problems in physics. Prerequisite: PHY 181. 3 credits.

PHY 451
Modem Scientific Instrumentation
Electronics for scientists, including circuit design and construction using analog and digital integrated circuits. Introduction to machining, glassblowing, and fabrication techniques. Prerequisites: PHY 181,181L, 182 ,182L, 422. 3 credits.

PHY 457
Computational Physics
Application of numerical methods to simulation of physical systems, including topics in classical mechanics, electrostatics, quantum mechanics, scattering, nonlinear dynamics and chaos. Prerequisites: PHY 181,182 and experience with high level programming language. 3 credits.

PHY 461
Light and Physical Optics
Survey of geometric optics and optical instruments. Selected topics in physical optics including interference, diffraction and polarization, with applications; the nature of light. Prerequisite: PHY 182. 3 credits.

PHY 462
Modern Optics
Laser principles and applications. Non-linear optics, image formation, optical transfer function, and Fourier optics. Introduction to quantum optics. Prerequisite: PHY 461. 3 credits.

PHY 467
Fundamentals of thermodynamics, including equations of state, laws of thermodynamics, and entropy. Principles and methods of temperature measurement, calorimetry and heat transfer. Prerequisite: PHY 182. 3 credits.

PHY 468
Statistical Mechanics
Principles and applications of statistical mechanics. Quantum statistics of ideal gas and simple solids. Transport theory, irreversible processes and fluctuations. Prerequisite: PHY 467. 3 credits.

PHY 470
Special Topics in Physics
Special topics in physics such as, but not limited to, relativity, plasma physics, hydrodynamics, and particle physics. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prerequisite: PHY 182. 3 credits.

PHY 481
Quantum Mechanics I
An introduction to the Schrodinger Equation and the interpretation of its solutions, the uncertainty principles, one-dimensional problems, harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, the hydrogen atom. Prerequisites: PHY 422 and 424. 3 credits.

PHY 482
Quantum Mechanics II
An introduction to the matrix formulation of quantum mechanics, spin, coupling of angular momenta and applications. Time dependent perturbation theory and approximation methods and techniques are discussed. Prerequisite: PHY 481. 3 credits.

PHY 483
Solid State Physics
Structure of crystalline solids. Mechanical, thermal, and electric properties of conducting and non-conducting solids. Prerequisite: PHY 411 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

PHY 485
Condensed Matter Physics
Properties of condensed matters and their applications in materials science. Structures of classical and quantum liquids. Correlations in lower dimensional systems. Localization and magnetism. Superconductivity and superfluidity. Polymers and liquid crystals. Prerequisite:PHY 481. 3 credits

PHY 491
Independent Study
Independent study of a topic in physics not specifically included in the regular course offerings. The grade will depend on requirements outlined in a written contract between student and instructor agreed upon prior to beginning the course. Prerequisites: PHY 180, 180L, 181,181L, 182, 182L and consent of instructor. 1-3 credits.

PHY 493
Undergraduate Research and Special Problems in Physics
Laboratory or research work on a project that demonstrates the student's ability to apply his or her knowledge of physics. A 30- minute talk on the project is required. Prerequisites: Nine credits of upper-division physics courses and consent of instructor. 1-3 credits.

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