General post mortem commets that apply to all Introductory Astronomy Laboratory Exercises (IALE):

  1. Try harder.
  2. Be better prepared.
  3. Demand that the instructor be better prepared.
  4. You have to be meticulous NOT to miss easy marks. In particular, do ALL required Tasks.
  5. When answers are values, their units must be given if they have any.
  6. A correct keyword is NOT a complete answer when a sentence containing that keyword is a complete answer.
  7. Reading the narrative of the IALEs gives you much of the information to do the Tasks. So you should avoid thinking it is usually more efficient to do quasi random Web searches for information.
  8. Everyone should contribute to completing the Tasks and finding the answers. You should NOT just copy answers uncomprehendingly from other report forms.
  9. Remember, everyone must hand in a complete Report Form, except for those items that are specified as only required in the favorite report form---unless your instructor directs otherwise.